Territory Question



I just put a new fish in my tank and the yellow tang is being very territorial with a certain spot in the tank. Will he continue this behavior or will they become use to having a new fish around and just accept it after a while. He isnt nipping at the fish just pushing him out with his tail but I still worry about the stressing the new fish, there are other spots in the tank but this is the large main cave that the tang wont let him near.


Active Member
What kind of fish did you add? and how big is the tank? Tangs can be very aggressive toward new fish.


Active Member
I have a blue velvet who is terrorizing my 2 new tangs as well. any time I add a new fish he does this.


My yellow tang is hitting on my new emp angel... it is still a juvi... What i did was put up a picture of another larger tang and tape it on the outside of the tank. The tang freaks out and leaves the other new fish alone. Good luck.


ha that is a good idea I never heard of doing that. But ya its an emperor angel juvi also, in a 90. I think the main problem is I only have one side set up with live rock so there is alot of swiming room but the fish obviously wanna try and go there with the lights out and when first introduced to the tank.