Thank You Satan


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
If you've never been told about christianity, you'll go to heaven... that includes children, babies... even african tribes.
Where in the bible does it state this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
There are many miraculous stories out there and it's up to you to decide if you want to believe them or not. If another person's story is enough for you to believe then more power to you I suppose. Then again, do you believe everything you are you believe in alien stories, bigfoot, lochness monster, ghosts and so on?
No I do not believe in any of that. Another persons story is enough for the millions of Christan's, because the bible is reading others stories. And I don't believe everything I am told, I learned that with the liberal media.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Whats bad about being young? At least I have proper grammar and capitalize my words.
maybe if i was a Jesus freak and didn't spend all those years in school to get my Masters degree, i may be able to capitalize more efficiently. Gaaahhh, and to think i wasted all that time on an education when all i had to do was go to church every sunday.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Where in the bible does it state this?
I'll see if I can find it for you, but I do know that there is a passage that talks about those (I think it references children) who never hear of the faith and because they are not even given the option to choose to believe or not, it gives them like an automatic go-to-heaven card. I posted this in the other church thread...


Active Member
Who said that I was a Jesus freak. I believe in god yes, so there you go again rambling on about stuff thats not true. But you know what, you don't need to think before you say stuff, because since your older you must be better than me. Maybe because you have been through college you are higher up on the list. How about next time don't try to put words in my mouth. If you have a Masters degree, how come you are not capitalizing, all you have to do is hit the shift button.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Who said that I was a Jesus freak. I believe in god yes, so there you go again rambling on about stuff thats not true. But you know what, you don't need to think before you say stuff, because since your older you must be better than me. Maybe because you have been through college you are higher up on the list. How about next time don't try to put words in my mouth. If you have a Masters degree, how come you are not capitalizing, all you have to do is hit the shift button.
because i forgot to take composition 1 and 2.
no, really becasue its the internet and who cares if proper grammar is used. Its a message board not a dissertation.
btw, i didnt imply you were a jesus freak. i respect the fact that you are expressing your beliefs. I just think that as you age and experience real "adult" life scenarios and become more in tuned to people and their BS, that you may have a different perspective on these stories of people dying and then coming back from the pearly gates of heaven.
could be as simple as a dream that seemed and felt very real to a made up publicity stunt. Just be more aware and cautious of the things you read and hear.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
No I do not believe in any of that. Another persons story is enough for the millions of Christan's, because the bible is reading others stories. And I don't believe everything I am told, I learned that with the liberal media.
What makes one person's story more crebible then anothers? I guess, if it makes you feel better to believe in something reaffirms your faith then good for you.

salty blues

Active Member
As surely as there is night and day, satan is alive and well on this earth. We all deal with satan every day of our lives, whether we realize it or not.
God help us all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
What makes one person's story more crebible then anothers? I guess, if it makes you feel better to believe in something reaffirms your faith then good for you.
It doesn't, but its faith.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robbin
maybe if i was a Jesus freak and didn't spend all those years in school to get my Masters degree, i may be able to capitalize more efficiently. Gaaahhh, and to think i wasted all that time on an education when all i had to do was go to church every sunday.
Pretty good for someone who's little catch phrase is "Salt Water Whore". Is that Master's in Pole Dancing???


Active Member
Come on? I have been torn apart posting here because I am not 300 years old. So I don't think thats overboard. But I'm done starting stuff I got yelled at on your thread, talking about what you wanted. If you create this thread figuring only atheists will post your wrong. Anyone is allowed to post here, if you don't like their post them keep it to yourself or talk to a moderator if its a problem. I don't see a problem with venting ON TOPIC.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Come on? I have been torn apart posting here because I am not 300 years old. So I don't think thats overboard. But I'm done starting stuff I got yelled at on your thread, talking about what you wanted. If you create this thread figuring only atheists will post your wrong. Anyone is allowed to post here, if you don't like their post them keep it to yourself or talk to a moderator if its a problem. I don't see a problem with venting ON TOPIC.
u dont have 2 start a thing just talk about satan


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
As surely as there is night and day, satan is alive and well on this earth. We all deal with satan every day of our lives, whether we realize it or not.
God help us all.

+ 1

Christian here....and not afraid to admit it. Don't start to many threads about it, just for this guys label us all into one category, "Jesus Freaks". But as stated, not afraid to stand up against what's right and what's wrong, and Yes, satan is real, but God is TOO brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!