the best skimmer


if you were to buy a new skimmer today, wich one would you buy and why?
the skimmer i have sucks, and when i get my tax check, i think i'll get a good one.


I've been reading on them again, and currently have a venturi that's built into my wet/dry that does fine. Never the less though, I'm intrigued by one of these downdraft skimmer's as they're not supposed to "whack" plankton due to water not impacting a wall directly and is supposed to be the most efficient kind of skimmer. so that would be my choice if money were no object. Dave :cool:
I would get an AquaC EV-300 because I like the air injection method its much quiter
[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Saltwatersensae ]


Most all top skimmer are good but I prefer becket injectors =bullet aerofoamer hsa. But euroreefs, lifereef ect are good. What size skimmer and insump , hang on? What are your needs? If you run a skimmer I wouldn't worry about plankton. In most reefs i wouldn't worry either there really isn't mcuh in small aquariums. I know where to get good diy models also