

Active Member
Even if I had the right words, they wouldn't be enough. We are all here for you, so if you want to talk or need anything...please ask. I've been without internet due to the move, but as I travel over the next few weeks I'll try to stay in touch as I get WI-FI. I am deeply saddened to hear the news and will pray for you and all who had the opportunity to know this wonderful man.
Very Sincerely


Active Member
omg... i am so sorry... when i read your first post it felt like i was punched, i can not believe it... he will be very missed around here and we are all here for you.


Active Member
Jenny, I am truly sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Tobin was a wonderful person, and I know your loss will surely not be easy.


Jenny, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. The loss of a loved one is never an easy thing to go through. Know that all of us here on SWF are there for you and you will be in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

darthtang aw

Active Member
I don't even know what to say. I have been talking with Tobin on here for a while now. He will be greatly missed. You and your family will be in my thoughts.


Active Member
I am so very sorry to hear of you loss Jenny. Godspeed Tobin, you will be missed by everyone here, hope to meet up with you someday.


Active Member
Sorry to hear of Tobin's passing. Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolences. It's a difficult time for you and your family, but celebrate the good times and love you had together in his memory.
Respectfully and sincerely,


Active Member
Jenny I offer my deepest condolences and wish you and your family the best, through this troubeling time. I wish there was something deep and moving I could say but I'm just a redneck. I just wanted you to know that I will miss tobin greatly, and I am extremely sorry for your loss.
Erick Chambers


Active Member
I agree with everyone Jenny, I struggle for something spiritual and comforting to say and nothing comes. All I can extend are thoughts and prayers for you, family, friends and Tobin too.


I don't know if you remember about my best friend dying of cancer, but to continue, after she died and I was full of the why her? why now, why not somebody who deserved it, questions... I had a thought, and I'll share it with you, maybe it'll help you like it did me.
My best friend, Lori, had 2 4 the other 1 when she died. I imagined a worse case scenario, Lori is driving down the road and gets hit by a car killing her 2 daughters but not her. I know she would have given anything to turn the tables, so maybe this was God's way of doing that. Maybe her death avoided a scenario such as that. I know it seems far fetched but when something truly terrible happens, you always look at what led up to the circumstance. If only I woulda left 2 minutes later, of only I didn't run the yellow light, if only...
So, there must be countless times we avoided tragedy that we don't even know about. This may be one of those times. If tobins death avoided something much larger, that he lived through, but lived sadly, then he would trade places.
That's how I got through it... That's how I still get through it, and she died 13 years ago.
Your pain will ease, and these feelings will get pushed further to the back of your prioeities, but it will never go away. Every song you hear about someone dying will bring tears to you, even years from now...
I pray for your strength, I pray for your family and that you all bond instead of fight. I will not pray for mental ease, cause that's not going to happen, nor should it right now.
Don't try to act strong, don't say things you don't believe, cry with your family don't push them away, and put something in his urn. one half of something that you have the other half to. Lori has a little tiny ceramic dog in her casket, and the matching dog sits on my mantle. It's something we both still share...
Please keep posting here, and telling us how your doing...


Active Member
jenny...i really dont know what to say at moments like this...i am truly sorry for your loss...if there is anything that we can do please dont hesitate to let us know...there are many great people on these boards and tobin was one of them...he will truly be missed...