Too much bioload to add at one time?


Active Member
Is 2 percs, 3 sexy shrimp, and a cleanup crew (3 hermits, 3 astrea snails, and 5 nassarius snails) too much to add at one time?
10 Gallon tank

mayb keeper

IMHO, too much. I would just add the cleaning crew and see how they do for at least 2 weeks. But I'm new and in favor of practicing patience with my ecosystem.


Active Member
Woah yes. Way too much. I wouldn't even add all the cleanup crew at once b/c half may starve b/c no buildup of waste. I would add one fish, then wait two weeks, then add the other. Then wait three or four weeks, then add the cleanup crew, then a few weeks later add the shrimp.
Adding that much to a small 10 gallon tank is asking for trouble IMO.


Originally Posted by HowardJ
Is 2 percs, 3 sexy shrimp, and a cleanup crew (3 hermits, 3 astrea snails, and 5 nassarius snails) too much to add at one time?
10 Gallon tank

Yes, that is far too much to add at once. That will be your final stock list. Add just the hermits and snails. In a month or more, add the shrimp. It is important to stock the tank very slowly. The tank is small and has a great chance of fluctuating.


Active Member
a LFS is getting sexy shrimp in probably next week..
I really want to get 3, but I am worried something they will prey on them.
Stock List:
Clarkii Clowns
Blue Leg Hermits
Boxer Crab
^ Those are the main things I am worried about.. anyone think the things listed above will go after the shrimp?


Active Member
brain ____

sorry your right... I was peeping at this forum and trying to finish my global managerial economics at the same time.