Very new !!!


Hi , I am very new at this and have had little luck . I have had several deaths in the last two weeks since I added a dwarf angel I have lost my chocolate chip star my dwarf anomie and now my scooter what's going on ????

bang guy

Back up a bit and tell us everything about your system. What's in it, how long it has been set up, how it was cycled, and also the current water parameters, Temperature, Ammonia, Nitrate, Phosphate, PH, Salinity, Alkalinity, Calcium.


Ok I started in early October it is a 30 gal with a fifty gal filter I put a power head in it as well, started out with 3damsels and then add a scooter And an anomie and two clowns .
I have several live rock and live sand i also had a chocolate chip star then I added a dwarf coral angel and in the last two weeks I


Ok I started in early October it is a 30 gal with a fifty gal filter I put a power head in it as well, started out with 3damsels and then add a scooter And an anomie and two clowns .
I have several live rock and live sand i also had a chocolate chip star then I added a dwarf coral angel and in the last two weeks I


Cont: I have list star fish anonomie and now this am the scooter the only thing I have been testing is the salinity don't know how to test anything else?:(

bang guy

You will need to buy test kits in order to test other water parameters. This site sells them in the online store section.


Hello and welcome,
First off, don't add anything else to your tank! You need to get some saltwater test kits, at least the basics : ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Read some of the "how to" threads on here, especially on cycling your tank. Are you using RO (reverse osmosis) water? And if your tank has only been running since Oct., it's WAY to early to add an anemone. I don't know what died first in your tank (I'm going to guess the anemone), but it caused a huge ammonia spike, which is extremely deadly to your tank inhabitants.
All I can recommend is to do lots of reading, and twice as much research! There's a ton of very useful information on this site. Many of these members have been doing this for years, they know there stuff.
Once again, welcome to the forum and keep us posted on your progress!!


Hi Scarecrow, welcome to the hobby and welcome to! As mentioned, you have to slow down a little and be sure to read up on how salt water tanks and testing work. Salt tanks are very different than freshwater tanks. Cycling is a much slower process and tank inhabitants have different requirements on many things. For example, the one inch of fish per gallon rule does not apply here. Saltwater is much more dense than freshwater so there is also less Oxygen in the water column. You will need to move that Oxygen with a power head, which blows across the tank, rather than a bubble stone which just sends bubbles straight up the water column. There are many things that you probably wouldn't even think to ask. Like what are you using to measure the salinity? If you are going to keep anemones and other inverts in the tank, you will need a refractometer. I'm afraid the swing arm hydrometers just aren't accurate enough. Look around the site and ask LOTS of questions. Again, welcome!