Vibrant Tank now Dull?!?! (w/ pictures)


New Member
Greetings All!
I have a unique situation. I have had my 10 gal nano tank set up for five mos. now. It was looking great (see attached picture). Then something happened. All my levels get checked regularly. The only thing that's not where it should be is my calcium levels (too high) and my alkalinity levels (too low). I have B-Ionic solutions to work on this problem.
Anyway, one day i noticed my mini-jet was unplugged and my coral looked "depressed," if that's the correct term. After I realized my mini-jet wasn't circulating water, I figured that was the problem.
After plugging in the jet, things seemed better. However, I had a piece of live rock that contained a sponge like creature on it. And slowly it began to decay and pieces were floating about in the water. so i decided to just dispose of the rock altogether.
You'll notice too in my pictures, that I have this aweful green vine like plant growing through out the tank. I got the plant because it came with a christmas tree coral and I thought it was cool at first but not it's annoying. I wish I could get rid of it! It's turning red in spots (again i think because the jet was turned off for a few days and i guess it's dieing as well). question is:
1. how would i go about rid of the green ivy like plant that is taking over my live rock?
2. what has happened to the lively tank I once knew?
3. Would i be wise to just rid my tank of all live rock, keep my corals and buy all new live rock?
Any help and suggestions would be much appreciated.
arty allen

This is what my tank use to look like before the "issue."

Now the coral hardly comes out and the green ivy like plants are redish in spots (which I wish i never had in the first place).

You can see in the background and in the right hand corner my coral is retracted and not acting as if it enjoys it's environment anymore. Plus, you can't see it in the picture but the algea on the back has a fine white like algea growing that is easy to remove but not something i have noticed before. Should I be concerned?
AND THIS ONE..just wanted to know if someone could ID this...Is it a star fish? I didn't buy it....



New Member
I'll have to go tomorrow to the pet store to get my readings. I do it once a week and they always say "everything looks good except you need to work on lowering your calcium and upping your alkalinity." I'll have them give me my exact readings tomorrow and post them here.


Active Member
I would buy your own test kits and see what the levels are. It's your tank you should know how to test it. Do you know what kind of test kits your LFS is using? The starfish is a hitchhiker, they stay small but will reproduce and split, mostly harmless. You said the algea is growing on a vine, it could be feather caulerpa. I ripped it off and scrubbed some rocks to get rid of it in my friend's tank.