Wanted: Schooling Fish


Well-Known Member
If schooling fish is all you are going to get, I would get about 10 green chromis. They will eat up all the excess food and become an amazing and beautiful display (along with some other colorful fish)


Active Member
Green chromis are one of my favorite fish. I would not get less than 6 of them. They don't school as well for me with numbers smaller than that. About 8 would do well for you as long as you don't overstock on everything else.


I had horrible luck with my green chromis. I wanted a schooling fish, but they kept dying on me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hocky
I had horrible luck with my green chromis. I wanted a schooling fish, but they kept dying on me.
They have a very high metabolism and need to be feed frequently for long term success. Figure 3 or 4 times per day.


Wow - that seems to be a bit eccessive. I would feel like I would be overfeeding.
I have 1 Yellow tang, 1 clown, 1 sixline, and 1 royal gramma and only feed once a day. But, I give a mixture of algae flake, regular flakes, and Mysis shrimp.


Active Member
It depends on what other fish are in the tank but I would not go smaller than about 40 gallons for 6 of them (if they were the only things in the tank).


Active Member
Originally Posted by MX#28
They have a very high metabolism and need to be feed frequently for long term success. Figure 3 or 4 times per day.
I have had Green Chromis for many years and I rarely feed them more than once per day. I sometimes skip a day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sly
I have had Green Chromis for many years and I rarely feed them more than once per day. I sometimes skip a day.
ours '' fast " every 4 days


I have 5 in my 55 gallon. They get fed once every night. They have schooled very well since I got them 7 months ago. I was never a big fan, my boyfriend put them in there as a surprise for me. I am too lazy too catch them so they are still in there. They used to be a lot more skittish but lately when I put my hand in there, they know it is feeding time and swarm me. I have to shoo them away. They are pretty low maintenance.