Water Quality / Nitrate Question


I have about 90lbs of live rock and 40lbs of live sand in my 90g FOWLR. I recently noticed a few aptasia anemones growing in my tank on my live rock yet my nitrate test kit says my nitrate is at 30-40ppm...is this possible or is my test kit likely wrong? I thought anemones needed great water quality? Or is that excluding aptasia? The test kit is about 3 years old so I was wondering if I should get a new one...


Active Member
not aptasia. aptasia can grow and spread even in bad water. get rid of them b4 it spreads all over. they will sting and kill ur corals.


Joe's Juice is good. I can't speak for the copperband, but I have 5 peppermint shrimp, and I have aiptasia. Although to their credit, I have not seen any new aiptasia, so perhaps they are doing something