well, after almost 7 years


I am in my 14th week. I ate kinda junky in the first part. Mexican twice a day, but now I actually crave milk and veggies. I never eat that way normally. I am a fast food girl. I eat better now than I ever have without trying. They say the body craves what it needs. I was told to stay away from deli meats and hot dogs as well but I still had a little. When you have a pregnancy craving, I have found that it is much better to satisfy it than substitute it. Also the what to expect when you are expecting book is terrifying. I have read a few books this far into it and have put that one away. It is scary and tells you all the things that go wrong and the bad sides to everything. I was warned of this by other women I know and in the reviews but it semed informative. I wish I would have never picked that book up! There are lots of other books that are much nicer to read with just as much information.


Really? I wasn't scared of the book at all. I only get nervous when they have a hard time finding baby's heartbeat. I thought the books just helped in aiding what to eat and what kind of exercise to get. I only read what pertains to me and what's going on in my pregnancy. The scariest part for me is when they do an ultrasound and they make sure the heart is good because that seems to be very important to them. For the most part, I take the scsary parts with a grain of salt because the majority of pregnancies go very well, without incident.
Sorry about the gingerale, Renogaw. Did she try just regular gingerale? It doesn't have quite the bite to it. Luckily, the nausea goes away in what seems like forever, but only lasts a short time. And don't worry, by the third trimester, she'll be back up all night going potty again!


Active Member
little update :)
going on week 12, and her nausea has been limited to the morning. she went up a pant size a few weeks ago, and has been asking me silly questions like "will you still love me/find me attractive if i gain too much weight" etc etc. I mean COME ON what kind of quesiton is that, a deathwish for any answer?
so today she comes up to me and says "these pants are too small" (the ones she bought a month ago) so stupidly i say, " well, go for walks or something" and she looked at me and said "the baby is growing, i'm not getting fat" and gave me a big lower lip.
there's no winning with women.


Active Member
oh no...thats bad... youre supposed to tell her how much you love her and how radiantly beautiful she looks .....reno reno reno,
i have a shovel you can borrow to dig yourself out of all the trouble you will be in after she tells her mom what you said...good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
so today she comes up to me and says "these pants are too small" (the ones she bought a month ago) so stupidly i say, " well, go for walks or something" and she looked at me and said "the baby is growing, i'm not getting fat" and gave me a big lower lip.
there's no winning with women.
Hehehehe... rookie. Consider yourself lucky right now. She's about to start feeling really good. Beware of the third trimester.
If I were you, I'd take a vacation from about December through March.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Hehehehe... rookie.
About a month ago that is exactly what I was going to write, rookie. I think you are being sent down to the minors after this. We are talking skipping AAA and going to AA ball.


Active Member
hehe, well get this...
i get upstairs to go to bed about an hour after she does (i can't sleep as much as she can) and she was all sad for being mean to ME! I told her she wasn't being mean and it's just the hormones messing her up and she agreed and was all happy after


Active Member
hope people don't mind the updates:
13th week, so technically the second trimester. wifey's officially in maternity clothes (when she's not wearing my sweats and shorts...)
she got to hear the heartbeat at the last ultrasound, but i was not able to go :( she's been chastised for making an appointment when i cannot go, so i'll be at the next one.
she's eating constantly, but still insanely tired. and hormonal... i guess this trimester is supposed to be better so we'll see :)


Active Member
Good luck. The heartbeat is cool but in about 5 or so weeks, you will be able to see the ---, (another word for gender... not trying to post anything obscene). That's a cool ultra sound to be at. Good luck with the wife.


Active Member
that's what the dr said. yea, it would have been cool to hear the heart beat (and you'd think they could digitally record these things...) but i DEFINITELY want to be there for the gender ultrasound.


Originally Posted by renogaw
My wife and i are finally going to have a child
She's 7 weeks along and going through a whole bunch of different ways to fight the naseau (sp?).
here's hoping to 10 fingers, 10 toes, and everything else in the right place
we go for the first ultrasound next week :)
I know im a bit late....just looking through old post's....
"CONGRATULATIONS" How is your wife doing now? hopefully feeling a lot better!

I have 3 kids, 20 yr girl, 18 yr boy and a 14 yr girl....Love em tons,,,but at times can drive me crazy! I wouldn't have changed a thing!
Good Luck Renogaw and Mrs. Renogaw!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
hope people don't mind the updates:
13th week, so technically the second trimester. wifey's officially in maternity clothes (when she's not wearing my sweats and shorts...)
she got to hear the heartbeat at the last ultrasound, but i was not able to go :( she's been chastised for making an appointment when i cannot go, so i'll be at the next one.
she's eating constantly, but still insanely tired. and hormonal... i guess this trimester is supposed to be better so we'll see :)
Just came across this and first off, congrats. Being a dad is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Second, this stuff here is normal. It's when she's not tired and hormonal that you should worry. If she's eating constantly you should just be sure you're not too. I gained a ton (TON!) of weight when my ex was pregnant with our son. It took almost 2 years to loose too. Keep an eye on what she eats too so she doesn't get gestational diabetes, another thing my ex was close to. Try to ease her out of the ice cream if that's her vice.

Anyways, best of luck and I hope things are going well! Keep up with the updates.


Active Member
Update!! This is so fun to read and I don't even want kids
So you guys are going to find out the gender? Any names you've picked yet? Hopefully your wife is feeling better and not sick, my sister was sick almost the whole time with her last one, she was eating those nasty PreggyPops all the time. You should be good until the last trimester, then most women just want that baby out and are uncomfortable. Just stay supportive and maybe she won't kill you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dreamer44
I know im a bit late....just looking through old post's....
"CONGRATULATIONS" How is your wife doing now? hopefully feeling a lot better!

I have 3 kids, 20 yr girl, 18 yr boy and a 14 yr girl....Love em tons,,,but at times can drive me crazy! I wouldn't have changed a thing!
Good Luck Renogaw and Mrs. Renogaw!!

she's doing a lot better, and starting to show. pretty much all her old clothes are useless right now, and Kohl's buy one get one free maternity clothing sale helped out immensly. she's sleeping through the night finally, not having to get up to go to the bathroom as much as she had. also, she's eating pretty much every 2 hours, but luckily is eating a lot better than she was previously.
gender ultrasound is sept 4th.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
No no no... it's Mr. and Mrs. Wagoner... right?

Any updates?

oh great, now all the stalkers are going to find me!!


Active Member
we have a couple names, i'm just a little hesitant about the boy's name she really wants. Benjamin Michael Wagoner. I'm just afraid his initials would give him illusions of future cars we won't be able to afford for him...
Hi! I'm a newbie and just found ur post and I wanted to jump in and say CONGRATS!!!!!
I actually was going thur the same thing this time last year, i found out July 10th I was pregnant! It is scary, exciting and an absolutely wonderful experiance!! my lil man is almost 6 months now and I can't get over how much he changes daily. He has two big sisters who are 9 & 6 so he gets TONS of attention.....what am I saying what baby doesn't LOL
Well enjoy this wonderful time!!!