well what's your feelings?

With the Tuscon shooting and a rise in youth violence I was wondering what your vews were in realation to airsoft and paintball.
I have seen on the internet and the news that these are extremly realistic and can be confused with real guns and should be banned.
I don't play paintball but I play airsoft during the summer and I enjoy it alot.
So as the title says, what are your feelings?


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown-keeper99 http:///forum/thread/383356/well-what-s-your-feelings#post_3352260
With the Tuscon shooting and a rise in youth violence I was wondering what your vews were in realation to airsoft and paintball.
I have seen on the internet and the news that these are extremly realistic and can be confused with real guns and should be banned.
I don't play paintball but I play airsoft during the summer and I enjoy it alot.
So as the title says, what are your feelings?
that our society is already far too swayed by emotions and far too infrequently principled through careful thought.
I think we need to return to some sense of personal responsibility and not be so quick to blame everyone and everything else.
If someone is so easily confused between paintball/airsoft and real guns, then I agree that person should not play those games. I would hope most of society can tell the difference, though.
I should also add that frequently, my first reaction to things may be 90* from what my response is after a bit of calm review. I'd like to see more "response" than "reaction" to issues such as these.

bang guy

They should be banned on the day that it becomes illegal to point your finger with your thumb sticking up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown-keeper99 http:///forum/thread/383356/well-what-s-your-feelings#post_3352334
what I was going for is the question "should they be banned"
I understood the question, I think the broader question is should we continue to excuse behavior or hold the individual responsible?
No, I don't think they should be banned. I don't think all responsible people should be treated as potential nut jobs.


Active Member
Even a drawing of a gun is grounds for being kicked out of school. I guess the history books don't show pictures on soldiers with guns???
I think it should be required that any toy or paintball gun have a bright orange ring on the end of the barrel and it should be a crime to change that. I think it is reasonable to expect people playing paintball or whatever to accept the fact their toy doesn't look authentic if it keeps some dumb kid from being shot for pointing his toy at a cop.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown-keeper99 http:///forum/thread/383356/well-what-s-your-feelings#post_3352363
most do but some diffucult to see and others are easly removable
Thats why you create a standard, say 2 inches of the barrel and the end must be orange, then make it illegal to alter it. If the cops know what to look for it shouldn't be an issue. Of course I think anyone over the age of 12 stupid enough to point a toy gun at a cop should be removed from the gene pool anyway so maybe we dont need us no orange rings.


Active Member
But you see, I don't have any feelings on the subject. I have formulated an opinion, based off of logic, and common sense. No feelings are needed in regards to paintball guns and airsoft guns.