what can I put in my refuge


My refuge tank /mini rift or whatever their called is pretty big and I cannot put a light because of space , I want to put something in their to lower my levels and maintain them, can I put a sponge, I was also thinking of putting a mangrove in the prefilter. Do saltwater cleaner clams exist , any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member

I would recommend macro algae instead of the mangrove.

and yes cleaner clams do exist and I think swf sell them. I once used live ones from the grocery store.


Im thinking of putting some leds that came in strips , but im scared that the humidity of the refuge/rift will make it catch fire or something, I was also planning on puutting plastic wrap over it to avoid that


New Member
Is your refuge tank in a cabinet under your display tank? If it is, they sell ventilation fans that you could install into your cabinet. Here is a link to an online seller of one. I think the fans might be able to circulate the air more causing it not to be as humid. But that's just a thought. Hope I could help!


Well-Known Member
If it has a separate chamber for sand (or mud), and macro algae, it is called a "refugium"... a refuge where live food can grow and breed, safe from predation. I never had good results with LED lights and macro algae. Fluorescent lights will give excellent growth.

Cleaner clams need 2" (or more, depending on size) of sand, and will only give a very small amount of filtration compared to Chaetomorpha, or other macro algae. Mangroves are nice, if you have the space and lighting for them. "A" mangrove won't filter a ten gallon stocked tank by itself, and I assume your tank is more than ten gallons...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by zoidberg01 http:///t/397445/what-can-i-put-in-my-refuge#post_3542882
My tank is 75 and I tried mud but it clouded my water a lot
I use 30lbs of Miracle Mud, and change 50% every six months. I shut all pumps off, siphon half out, and slowly add the new back in. It clouds my water for most of a day, then it's clear. I love it. I have a 30G refugium for my 125 tank, and I use chaetomorpha and fern caulerpa macro algae, as well as a protein skimmer rated for 200G. Lots of live rock and live sand, and dosing 5 Ml of NO3/PO4:x daily keeps my Nitrate at .50 ppm and Phosphate at .16ppm. I only change water once a month, and then it's only to replace essential elements.