what is this id please!!!!!!


I counted 30 arms legs? Its on my glass in my eel tank what is this thing as I have never seen one before until now... Is it harmful or a parasite? Its body is tiny but with the legs or arms extended its the size of a half dollar.


Active Member
if you see him again, a clearer picture would help.
how old is the tank? i had something similar when my tank was just starting. it was some stage of a hydroid jellyfish, but the center wasnt as big as it appears to be in your picture.


Tank is 1 year old maybe a little older but it was stuck to glass and thats the best pic i could get. Only inhabitants of tank is eel and niger triger and it hard to get pict of something like that...


Originally Posted by ophiura
Hmmm, spaghetti worm maybe?
I looked it up and it looks exactly like it. You are good but i cant find any info if they are good or bad will they harm my fish?


Active Member
They are quite beneficial, and are usually in rock or buried. They will not harm your fish at all.