What is this in my tank


I am getting these little green stems on my live rock that keeps growing and extending. On the light green stems are tiny little mushrooms(at least that is what they look like). These stems are extending to my other live rock that house some star polyps. While I do not thing these things are dangerous I just hate how they keep growing. One of the stems just flaps wildley in the current. Also they have tiny little tenticle things growing from each stem. They look like onions pulled from the ground without the onion(if that makes since). Everytime they get longer new mushrooms(?) sprout. What could these things be, A form of algae?


Could be some kind of macroalgae, hard to tell by your description, toss some pics up if you can...that will get some better responses.


Active Member
i'll second the macroalgae and also second that it is hard to tell with the description provided. can you say if it is plant or animal?


I have no way of getting a picture It is definatly plant, It looks like little mushrooms growing on the stems


Active Member
well then, yank what you can by hand (assuming they are big enough for that) and add a few herbivores. do you have any in there now? I'm sure a tang would take care of it for you, and many inverts might also help out, such as emerald crabs. again, assuming the algae is pretty small, you can probably get a lawnmower blenny to eat it for you too. check your phosphates as well.


Ya, if you are sure it is plant, my emerald crab mows down anything green in my tank...actually, he mows down just about anything :D