What is Your Favorite Movie, and Why?

clown boy

Active Member
Title says it all.
I'm a filmmaker, so I like to know these kind of things.

PLEASE be sure to say why you liked it!

If you can't settle on one, you may post up to three.
I'll post mine after I get a few replies here.


Active Member
Monty Pyton, Life of Brian.
Last of the Mohicans
Oh, and I have to throw in My Left foot and In the Name of the Father.
Monty is a classic, one of the most entertaining movies ever made!
Snatch is what an action movie should be.
Last of the Mohicans is moving on many levels.
The last two are well written and well acted. D D Lewis is an amazing actor.


Active Member
shawshank redemption
altered states
i chose these movies because no matter how many times i watch them they still grip me the same
theres a ton more


Active Member
Boondock Saints, Because it was about brothers, and justice. and had great quotes
The Godfather, because it was about family and justice and had great quotes
Tombstone, see above
The Matrix it was just cool
Jay and Silent Bob strike back, It was just soooo funny. It paradied other movies


Active Member
in no particular order
the rocky horror picture show- sweet transvestites!
silence of the lambs-suspence ,action ,gore and jody foster at her sexiest
creature from the black lagoon- classic black and white scary movie ,the music when the creature appears is great ,and this is back when the women folk fainted dead away everytime they got scared
since this is a movie thread can i ask has anyone seen 'reefer madness' the new one its a musical and has neve campbell in it ,its hilarious two thumbs way up


Active Member
James Bond films, because of cool weapons, good plot, and cool action.
The Last Samuri, the Patriot, because of a good historical fiction movie that has a good plot and good action.
Jaws, a movie about a gaint shark, self explanatory
Andicondas, one of those movies on TV late at night when I'm going to bed and I get so freaked out because I hate snakes, but I can't turn away from the TV or change channels.
Those are some of the movies I like and why.
I also like comedy because well I like to laugh.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Ahem... if you re-read the title, I asked "Why?"
Why did you like those films?

I said why.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Ahem... if you re-read the title, I asked "Why?"
Why did you like those films?

Edited my post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
Beetlejuice (my favorite since I was 3!)
Run Lola Run (I love foreign movies)
sorry, I didn't explain!
1. Beetlejuice... I don't know why I love it so much... when I was little I had to watch either that or Chucky every single night before bed... yeah, my mom let me watch chucky when I was little haha I still love scary movies!
2. Amelie... I just think it's a cute movie.
3. Run Lola Run... for the Mise-en-scène haha j/k, but I had to do that in film class.... I think it's a cool movie.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Monty Pyton, Life of Brian.
Last of the Mohicans
Oh, and I have to throw in My Left foot and In the Name of the Father.
Monty is a classic, one of the most entertaining movies ever made!
Snatch is what an action movie should be.
Last of the Mohicans is moving on many levels.
The last two are well written and well acted. D D Lewis is an amazing actor.
last of the mohicans is an awesome movie the scene where the sister goes over the edge aww man that really tears me up

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I said why.
I know... you posted in the middle of me composing that message. Sorry.


Active Member
Star Wars SIXOLOGY, was a life changing experience, since I was 7 and saw part 4 in the theature!
#2 EXCALIBUR the JOHN BOORMAN one was unbelieveable! Soundtrack and direction of photography.
#3 HEAT... Im a big Miachael Mann fan,,, Last of the Mohigans, Collateral, Manhunter!


The Matrix, I liked the story behind it and in a strange way wonder if may relate to this life.
Maybe the subconscious world is real and we are living in the matrix.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
The last two are well written and well acted. D D Lewis is an amazing actor.
Gangs of New York #1 in my book.
Best scene- opening sequence with the drill instructor in Full Metal Jacket.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
Run Lola Run... for the Mise-en-scène haha j/k, but I had to do that in film class.... I just the movie was cool!
Great movie


Active Member
the orgininal Batman with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson. Wasn't cheasey like the later ones became, had some great lines: This town needs an enema, think about the future, my balloons my balloons! (i can probably do the dialog along with the movie)
Tombstone: great cast, great story, and gets you into the movie with a pretty good story.
Jurassic Park (original one) had some good action and great graphics.