what powers a berlin the best?


im getting a used berlin classic and need to get a pump for it. which one should I buy, or does it matter?
[ September 20, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]


New Member
Buy the turbo upgrade. It includes a Rio pump with a chopper impeller and really makes the skimmer work a lot better!


i saw the turbo upgrade, but only one problem with it....the price!
i was wondering if a maxi 1200 or similar PH would work well. I can get the kit, but since I only have a 30 gal, I wonder if the benefits would be worthwile. any input???


Active Member
A regular powerhead is too small. You need at least 700gph to make it work correctly. I have a Mag 7 on mine and it works great. I would stay away from rios.


since the turbo upgrade is OEM and is the same price as the mag 7, i might as well go with that. thanks for the help.


Active Member
The pump that comes with the Turbo is OEM as it inputs the air directly into the pump and mixes it with the chopper. It is a pump that is built by Hydor in Italy for Red Sea.
They are currently on the third generation of impellor for this pump (I've been through the first two and am waiting for the third that Red Sea got in this week). The problem is that the first two impellors were too heavy and the motor would not alway start back up when they were turned off. Sounds like the RIO doesn't it. The problem was accidental as the pump was originally built for Italy's 220V systems which kick the impellor over nicely for restarts. The 110V we have here does not.
The third generation impellor is having the fins cut down a little smaller to make it lighter and to require less torque to restart. The first ones are going to be the same white color, but they are going to change the color so that the newest impellors can be more easily identified.
If you have a Berlin Turbo Skimmer and you are having restarting problems, this is why. You may want to call Red Sea and get the new impellor.
Tangman :D