What would you pay for a 270G?


6' long, 3' tall, 2' deep. Used, perfect condition, all glass. I can get it pretty cheap, as in, I know its a heck of a steal. I'm just wondering that a tank like that could go for.


Active Member
Be warned though...in the grand scheme of things...the tank is the cheapest part...
On a tank that big, you're gonna be spending tons of money on a skimmer and pumps, sand, lr. etc Electric bill, lights...etc etc..


Originally Posted by acehigh
if you don't buy it you're retarded...
like sw65galma said he's gonna spend tons of cash on skimmers,pumps,sand esp LR ..etc. it's not gonna be cheap. so if he doesn't buy it this is a good reason why. that's a great reason why he shouldnt get it. so if he doesn't buy it doesnt mean he's retarded.


Active Member
well the thing is.. do you need it??? or will have a good plan with it?? cuzz if not.. then it's nothing but wasted space..


no offense, but i think you are all wrong! Tim, buy that thing immediately! and if you dont want to spend the couple grand that it will probabaly take to get it up and running, someone else in your area definetly will. You could resell that thing for 4-5 hundred easily and make some quick bux to buy a more suitable tank for you. but hey thats the buisinessman in me talking!


lol ok it sounded like it was like the guy next door, if its a long ways away forget it....those things are a pain to move....so heavy!