What's growing on my rocks?

mayb keeper

I am 3 days into my cycle and I've noticed a white fuzz growing on my rocks. It kind of looks like a thin layer of cotton fuzz.
So far all my water values seem fine considering it is cycling.
temp 80
salinity 1.024
ph 8.3
alkalinity 3meq/L
free ammonia .1
total ammonia .17
nitrates just above 0
nitrites ~.3
What is this fuzz?

mayb keeper

Ok, I read that others have had this white fuzz experience during their cycle, but just to be sure I took a pic. It's probably not a great shot of the white fuzz, but trust me, it looks like a thin layer of white cotton fuzz. Think of a very thin layer of dryer lint after you wash whites.
Anyhoo....here are the pics



it could just b stuff setteling out of the water if u stired up the sand bed while placing ur rocks. get a turkey baster and try blowing it off


sounds to me like a little die off on the rock, mine did it when I set up my system. turkey baster will wash it away pretty effortlessly, and mechanical filtration will help clear the water of debris