whats in your refugium?


I set up my refugium about a month ago just with live rock live sand and some macro algae, also have acouple snials in there. my main reason for the fuge was to give place for pods to grow for my mandrin. however my fuge is visible and i thought it would be nice to have something cool in there, first i wanted sea horses but i relized they eat pods so that would be rather counter productive. so just wanted to see what people have in their's. oh the fuge is a 37 gallon tank and my main tank is a 55 gallon with a mandrin a clown and a wrasse some mushrooms ,candy canes, leathers and zoos.


55 gallon MT, 30 gallon fuge.....in the fuge i have a 6 inch sand bed, 20lbs LR, and Cheato. and 25 nassarius snails, it does its job very well.