Wheel of Time Fans


Active Member
Ok, alot of what has gone on in this series by Robert Jordan has been left untold so that u are always confused. BUt what he said in a press conference has confused me.
Like always, someone asked him if Demandred posed as Mazrim Taim and his reply was... Yes. Demandred has never posed as Mazrim Taim.
Could that leave an openning that Demandred IS Mazrim Taim. It would explain the reasonings upon many things.
Those who have read his books know that he is the king of lying without lying or getting past the truth with the truth. Could this be one?


Active Member

Originally posted by killafins
wow, no other dorks like myself? Maybe I do need a job :rolleyes:

I'd say - yes you do!
OK I did not see the press conference or read about it - I have pretty much given up on him until he writes another good book. He recently released a pre-quel to the WOT series and I will be reading it shortly!
I have assumed Mazrim Taim is either a Forsaken or something close for some time now ....


Active Member
The prequel was okay... his new book will come out sometimesin 2005. The New Spring is ok, apparently there's going to be two more books like it. One explaining why Tam returned and another how Moirane came to the Two Rivers.
Well, u'd beh appy to know that I do have a job just waiting to start...


New Member
I kinda gave up on the WOT series a couple books back. The first 2 or 3 books were great, but the last ones only seemed to progress the plot a day or two maybe ;). At this rate, I'll be long dead and gone before he gets it finished ;) Ah well :) There's still Robin Hobbs!


Active Member
He plans to finish by around book 12, but I think he's going to stretch it to book 13 considering 13 is that # in the series.