Why are my snails dying!!!


Over the past 5 days, I've lost 2 snails. The first one was dead but the second kone tried for about 3 hours to climb the glass but something was cleasrly wrong and he died also. Nothing else in my tank seems to be affected. I have 2 Clowns, 2 shrimp, 2 crabs and 4 snails left. I did a 10% water change the other day after the 1st snail died but I still lost another. Any thoughts??


Active Member
Low sg? Inproper acclimation. AT the vary least make sure the SG of your aclimation bucket and tank water are the same before adding the livestock.


1.025 should be fine. what are your other readings (nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, pH)?

sinner's girl

is there any algea for them to eat?
I could never keep snails alive...
When you did the water change, was the sg of the new water the same as the tank?
What kind of crabs? is anyone picking on them?


I have a feeling that when I put the snails in the tank it was overgrown with algae. Now "because" of the snails, there is virtually none. Could they be starving to death. The third in a week is looking sick


as far as my levels, they vary from perfect to a little off. I can't seem to hold them at "0". I"ve done all the 10% water changes on the tank every 2 weeks and I have 45 lbs of LR. I'm puzzled?

bang guy

It's too quick for it to be starvation.
It's almost too long for it to be osmotic shock.
My guess is either Ammonia poisoning from a spike or your Salinity is too low.
To know what your salinity is you have to post the specific gravity and the water temperature. If you're using a swing-arm type hydrometer you need to check it against a more accutate device like a salinity meter or refractometer.