Yellow Tang Advice Please


I have been working for going on something like 11 weeks on getting my 125 g. ready for fish.
My goal with this new tank is as much color as possible. As such, I purchased lighting designed to really show off color. (cost me nearly $600, ouch!! don't tell my wife please)
I painted the back of the tank black so that there will be a high color contrast, and the sand bed is very nearly perfectly white.
I am hoping to put several yellow tangs in the tank, as well as a couple of blue fish. My question is, how many do you all think is wise? I don't want to over stress them, but I want the tank as full as possible.
Extra info:
The DT is 125 g.
The entire system is 580 g.
Two Protien skimmers, one is rated for 500+ g, while the other is rated for 100 g.
Two hob filters
remote dsb
Thanks all!!


I should also mention that this system includes a second display tank that is 75 g, and that has five or six small fish in it, and several corals.
The system all together has about 350 lbs of LR


Originally Posted by vayapues
I have been working for going on something like 11 weeks on getting my 125 g. ready for fish.
I am hoping to put several yellow tangs in the tank, as well as a couple of blue fish. My question is, how many do you all think is wise? I don't want to over stress them, but I want the tank as full as possible.
Thanks all!!
I have 3 tangs in my 125 g..A yellow, kole and naso...A 125 is minimum for the naso, they get big and need lots of open water to swim in....The yellow and kole are good in a 125....I wouldn't get more than 3 if I were you & make sure they are all different species, otherwise you will have trouble...Hope this helps...

flame hawk

3-4 tangs you might want to look at purple tangs and add yellow tang last they get a lil mean when new tangs are added