New 75g Reef Tank

bang guy

I have enough old aquarium equipment to fill a small bedroom.

I really need to get rid of all that junk. Some of it is from the 70's :confused:


Well-Known Member
Well, that was supposed to be a few new pictures in the last post.

I need to buy some styrofoam to put under the tank, the sump and the two ten gallon tanks that will go beside the tank.

Oh yes, there will be reservoirs. There is no room under the display tank for a Seperate reservoir for the auto top off system so I have to put that beside the tank. I found my aqua lifter and JBJ ATO too.

The top reservoir will be a ten gallon tank that I'll mix saltwater in. In both ten gallon tanks I'll have float valves hooked up to the RO unit. I like the redundancy of using an ATO on the tank though.

I think I'm going to use my Apex Jr. still. At the very least it helps regulate temperature and lighting really easily.

I found a bunch of zip ties I'll use to do the rock work. I need to buy some more epoxy to hide the zip ties. I am going to see about what kind of grinder I'll need to make some of the rocks flat. If I can't make them flat, I guess I'll buy them flat.


Well-Known Member
BangGuy, I can believe it. Just after I closed my store I had all kinds of leftover equipment that I kept and then sold off. I'm glad that I kept most of it this time to rebuild at least one aquarium.

eric b 125

Active Member
I cross posted on a few forums. Eric, like you said, more viewers than commenters. I guess that is wherever you go.
I'll be sure to do the same!

When I moved I tossed out a bunch of old equipment. It was difficult because of the 'what if' factor, but it's not like that stuff can't be replaced easily. I saved a few heaters and have enough extra powerheads for my mixing buckets should something come up.


Well-Known Member
So I need four things before I can get the tank wet.

1. A quiet one pump model 3000.

2 a return kit from glass holes

3. Styrofoam for the tank and sump to sit on.

4. Plumbing supplies.

I am ordering the return kit and return pump tonight. It should be in by next week. The RO membrane should be here soon.


Well-Known Member
Fancy? Nah. Drain to drain, return to return. Gonna hook up my auto top off system and I'll be set.

I am running a phosban reactor. I was thinking about hooking it up to the return pump and running media in it.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm going to take the plunge and buy some equipment to get the tank started this weekend.

I'm buying some RO unit supplies because my package never arrived. I'm buying refillable filter cartridges and an in line TDS meter. I also am buying a 50gpd membrane. I also want to hook up a 2.5g water tank and a sink spout so it will be easier to get water to drink and mix baby formula.

I need a return pump, a sheet of styrofoam, plumbing supplies and a return kit from glass holes.

I am considering at this point to buy some glass and install a bean animal overflow on the back of the tank. I know, I know- it's a lot more work and adds time, but I really think it's worth it to be silent.

I guess when I install the return on the tank I'll also silicone up the drain box.

Eric, when you installed the drain box on your old tank, how did you deal with the lip of the aquarium? Do you have any old pics that could help me visualize it?

eric b 125

Active Member
I had a C2C on the inside of the tank, and it was higher than the bottom of the trim. The external box sat snug against the bottom of the trim. I'll see if I can dig up pics, but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it makes sense. I think I'll have 1" bulkheads in the drain box and use gate valves instead of ball valves to dial in the siphon.

I'm currently thinking that a refugium may not be necessary for what I want to do with my tank. I like refugius but I keep very clean water and the macro usually dies. I don't think I'm going to fool with it this time.

eric b 125

Active Member
Yeah, it makes sense. I think I'll have 1" bulkheads in the drain box and use gate valves instead of ball valves to dial in the siphon.

I'm currently thinking that a refugium may not be necessary for what I want to do with my tank. I like refugius but I keep very clean water and the macro usually dies. I don't think I'm going to fool with it this time.
Gate valves are the way to go. I got serviceable ones online, so I can take them apart and clean them if I need to.

I think it'd be smart to incorporate a fuge section in your sump. Even if you don't use it for a fuge now, you could use it for free space in the sump and could always add macro later. It'd be a massive PITA to do it later if you decide on a fuge.


Well-Known Member
If I were going to install 1" bulkheads and use gate valves on my overflows, I would skip the drain box. They may be quiet, but they also take up real estate. I didn't even bother to install gate valves on my 125G. It's simply two 1" bulkheads draining water through 1" PVC directly into my refugium, which is located about 8' below the tank in my basement. I drilled a 1/4" vent hole in the top of the elbows coming out of the bulkheads to install a short section of 1/4" RO line to prevent siphoning. I suppose I got lucky and the flow is perfect, and there is very little suction noise from the vent tubes. This didn't work out so well on my 40B, so I installed gate valves on each drain. I'll never use ball valves again, as gate valves give much more precise control, which is critical when trying to hit the "sweet spot" between slurping (siphon) and too little drainage (tank overfilling). Just my 2c...


Well-Known Member
Thanks Pegasus.

I went ahead and ordered:

1 water softener 12" cartridge
2 catalytic carbon refillable cartridges
1 dual TDS monitor with alarm
1 3.2g RO water container
Sink hookup.
30ft of RO water line
75gpd membrane with 99% rejection rate
Lifeguard quiet one model 4000 pump
7, 1" bulkheads
One 1 3/4" glass drill bit
1 serviceable 1" gate valve
1 4x14" 200 micron filter for backup.

I was going to buy an Aquamaxx protein skimmer today but marine depot didn't have it in stock.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I got one of those nifty little 1" spinner things for the return. I thought it couldn't hurt.

I ordered the model 4000 pump to have extra flow for the spinner, the two reactors and the Seperate 10g refugium I want to run.

The only thing I didn't get today that I really needed was two float valves. One for the 10g mixing container and one for the 2.5g water top off reservoir.

I'll be adding plenty of unions so that it will be easier for me to take apart in two years when we move out of our trailer and into something nicer. I feel like I shouldn't have to wait two more years to get a decent tank up and running.


Well-Known Member
Just got a really good deal from affordable aquatic on the Aquamaxx ConeS CO-1. It's for up to a 175g tank, but I read about a guy that was using one on a mildly stocked 55g with a lot of success. I figured I could run it on my 75g with 36g sump and 10g refugium without much problem at all. Everything I read about it I really liked and it seemed to fit my needs more than the reef octopus skimmer that I was thinking about getting.

I have a few plumbing supplies and some glass to buy to get the tank up and running but other then that, I ought to be good for now.

I can't believe I just spent that much money in one day... But, I'd rather have it all now and get it set up and ask for forgiveness from the wife later. lol.


Well-Known Member
This Summer I might be having to supplement my income depending on how things go in the taxidermy shop,... might have to get a part time side job or start selling a product of some sort. With the hunting season as bad as it was this year,... BUT, we always make it through every year, we just have to work hard and get everything done... and hope for the best the new year. Having a baby on the way doesn't help stress levels much. Hopefully some writing and tank time will help.

I'm still learning and playing the banjo. It's still one of my favorite past times as well. I just bought a mandolin too and I might be taking lessons for it soon.

Anyways, let me know what ya'll think of all the purchases. I think I came out pretty good.


Well-Known Member
No. Not yet. I got to dig them up and rinse them first. Lol.

It's ok though, it's going to take me a while to get everything situated the way I want it.