This was the way we presented it to her. We created a profile for Samta who wrote her a poem. Didn't want to hurt her pride so made it funny not heavy Enjoy. Twas eight-weeks after Christmas, and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, except my wife's mouse.
My good friend @@Sam Parker, he gave me a ring,
He said "God damn it Santa, I've but only bad news to bring".
He told me of
this post, in which his friend was in shit,
I said "Sam, don't move, I'll be there in a bit".
We went out for breakfast, and whilst eating my bagel,
He jingled my balls, from under the table.
But after he settled, he announced his idea,
He said "Fuck! I know Santa!, we'll bring her some cheer!"
It came to my mind,
that you had been good,
Sam then decided, to do what we could.
We spoke with the elves, we had a solution,
I would like to point out, it involved prostitution.
We then gathered and talked, and asked what's a winner?
It was decided that @@Grimz, would give you his skimmer.
But with your back being in pain, and installation being grim,
We decided it better, be installed by@@Jimsim.
The good folk they drank, and talked of more glory,
They all spoke, and twas not yet, the end of this story.
@holly gave salt, it's really hard to make rhymes,
But you'll get one bucket now, another two-months down the line.
But what of the others? The elves in the pack,
"We'll raise her some money, to fix up her back!"
They reached deep in their pockets, to give you some bucks,
They gave all that they had, without giving no fucks.
The elves wanted colours, in clear plastic bags,
So some elves gave money, and others gave frags.
They raised funds for you, over $1,000 to use,
"This gift is from us, your friends at The Fuge!"
List of Elv