And you think i would learn

bang guy

Typical Western NY landscape to tell the truth. I'm sure Jay can confirm.

Here's another picture from one of my favorite local hiking trails.



Well-Known Member
Agreed. Not like the typical texas land scape of sage brush, plum thickets and rattlers lol.
Western, and northern ny has some really nice area


Well-Known Member
The hills we have in Illinois most people would call a bump in the dirt. Everything else is pretty much corn fields or soy. Of course there's Chicago but again, some people wish IT was a bump in the dirt.

bang guy

Where's that blizzard photo, Bang?
Not sure which one you mean. Here's one from my drive home after work in January a couple months ago. The sign reads "10% Grade next 3 miles". When it's like this the only way to know where the road is in most places is to follow the telephone poles. This is why I don't trust all-season tires and go through the hassle of changing to snow tires every year. That reminds me, it's probably safe for me to put my summer tires back on now.



Well-Known Member
It sleeted here twice. I guess H€ll froze over.

I'll never own a set of snow tires- unless fate has something else in mind.

Sorry for the hijack.

duane C

well...update... on fish from reef2not go.... They we happy to replace my order of dead crabs and snails... got half of my order and when I sent them an email stating this they credited my account and closed my account so I cant order any more from them....Now that's a shocker...Never heard of that before...

duane C

Yes... they may be better if you are closer to there location.... but being in WV and its always 3 days.... think its to long...Ordered some stuff from SWF this time... Hopping for the best..


Well-Known Member
I'am not a huge online guy. I've ordered from both and swf was indeed an improvement. There customer service needs wrk tho. Or atleast did. All my livestock arrived alive so I was happy w that

duane C

I found a place in MD that had great fish and corals.... but is 3 hours from me... and there is also one in Pittsburgh that is good but again 2 hours away...this will be my last go around for the online fish and frags if this doesn't go well...Just have to do the drive...
I live in the city and have several local fish shops within 10-20 mins. But I fell they are over price and try to sell you junk. I see sick fish and they say its fine, just sleeping or something... I see way better deals on line and on


Well-Known Member
Deals yes, but shipping can kill you. I understand if u buy a certain amount shipping is free. But we all know we shouldn't add a bunch of fish at once either.