Any thoughts of going to a single large external pump to replace the sump full? Three phase pumps never start backwards.
I suppose once all the plumbing is done and everything is dialed in with an external pump, it would make life a little easier. Getting there would be the challenge. I bought specific sized pumps as I knew what the flow would be for each system it provided flow to. Splitting a single pump into 5 outlets and tweaking the flow for each tank would be a bit difficult to do, since the refugium is in the basement and the tanks are upstairs. The RDSB, GFO, and UV wouldn't be bad since they're in very close proximity to the fuge. I'm sure it would also reduce the heat produced by those 5 pumps... though my tanks never get above 81F.
I'll have to think about it for a while... I have reservations about going single-pump mode. Other than the cost of an adequate sized pump, gang valves, unions, pipe, etc., the thought of having a single pump suffer a failure could amount to big trouble... fast.
PS: Don't think they'll be making three phase powerheads or wavemakers any time soon... lol!!!