Trump tax plan

bang guy

Yes, I agree. I'm just pointing out that the funds are used as a means for the federal government to spend more money than it has.


Well-Known Member
If a private business did that it would be classified as a ponzi scheme and those business could be sued. But since it's the government and they've written in laws to protect it well then I guess that's ok.

But it really isn't ok.

When the outflow exeeds the inflow it becomes a real problem. And those of us who have paid into it and don't see the same returned we will be screwed.

Unless ofcorse they can coerce us to start investing our actual retirement monies into other government controlled retirement investments. That will then buy them some more time before the bubble bursts on the next generation down the road.

Watch what happens. Government 401Ks will be option at first. They'll market it as a smart and "safe" way to invest. Sooner or later there will be either a false or very real crisis with social security of their own creation. That will give the government the arguing point that they need to pass a law making it mandatory to take control over your future funds in order to save them (cough cough). And if you don't comply you'll face penalties just like Obama care.


Well-Known Member
Trump has already suggested "retirement savings" that will... surprise, surprise... be backed by "government protection". And so it begins...


Well-Known Member
I predict a fall in the polls for Trump, after tonight. He's not looking so hot in the debate.

Suspect a bigger rise for, Fiorina. She's pretty feisty.


Well-Known Member
I predict a fall in the polls for Trump, after tonight. He's not looking so hot in the debate.

Suspect a bigger rise for, Fiorina. She's pretty feisty.

She sounded very sharp last night. For me, the highlight of the night was when Fiorina gave the short rebuttal that ended with: ""I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said." OUCH!!! It'll be interesting to see how Trump fares with women voters after that statement. Let the implosion begin...

Don't think Carson will gain much, but I was also impressed with Marco Rubio's performance. Christy did pretty good, but other than those candidates, none really stood out in my opinion.


Staff member
Do you guys really feel that Trump has a shot? If not, why bother discussing him? He's a joke. He is like the Hollywood crowd. Lots of money, but nothing going on upstairs.


Well-Known Member
He has a pretty good shot I think. Reason being is that Americans are simply fed up with the establishment. The three non career politicians are the ones holding the lions share of support from the voters currently which supports the idea.

That's pretty much how the Terminator got elected as governor of California. People were so sick of the status quo they were willing to try anything different. We saw that with Obama, as well.

Trump, certainly isn't my favorite but he has brought an interesting dynamic to the race.

I like that he's tough but he reacts off the cuff too much. Sounds mostly like a broken record every time I see him. Very little substance to back up his claims.


Well-Known Member
He has a pretty good shot I think. Reason being is that Americans are simply fed up with the establishment. The three non career politicians are the ones holding the lions share of support from the voters currently which supports the idea.

That's pretty much how the Terminator got elected as governor of California. People were so sick of the status quo they were willing to try anything different. We saw that with Obama, as well.

Trump, certainly isn't my favorite but he has brought an interesting dynamic to the race.

I like that he's tough but he reacts off the cuff too much. Sounds mostly like a broken record every time I see him. Very little substance to back up his claims.
Agreed. He apparently has good speech writers, who write exactly what the people want to hear. He doesn't hesitate to speak his mind. He's a celebrity. He's also a ticking time bomb. I think if they give him enough rope, he'll hang himself. He burst out of the gate with a shot at Paul Ryan, but got strangely quiet as the debate went on. While he tried to confront Jeb and Carly, I think it backfired on him. The people I think shined last night, and CNN agrees, were Rubio, Fiorina, Bush, and even underdog Graham. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trumps numbers drop a notch after last night. He danced around specifics, and that's what viewers were looking for. When 22.9 million people are watching (a record for CNN), you don't want to stumble on specifics. People should start to realize Trump is all talk and no substinance.


Well-Known Member
Yep, Rubio won some big points with me when he started digging in on foreign affairs.

Actually, most of the candidates moved up a few points in my book. I've always liked Cruz, because he's a fighter but he may be a little to far right for the rest of the country.

Fiorina, was awesome.


Well-Known Member
Yep, Rubio won some big points with me when he started digging in on foreign affairs.

Actually, most of the candidates moved up a few points in my book. I've always liked Cruz, because he's a fighter but he may be a little to far right for the rest of the country.

Fiorina, was awesome.
I agree with all of the above.


Well-Known Member
If a private business did that it would be classified as a ponzi scheme and those business could be sued. But since it's the government and they've written in laws to protect it well then I guess that's ok.
Apparently, it is OK since the entire insurance industry is based on such a "Ponzi" scheme, and they aren't being sued as such.


Well-Known Member
Apparently, it is OK since the entire insurance industry is based on such a "Ponzi" scheme, and they aren't being sued as such.
A quick Google search yielded many results for investors suing insurance companies for that very thing. Taking peoples money and using it to prop up other failing interests.


Well-Known Member
A quick Google search yielded many results for investors suing insurance companies for that very thing. Taking peoples money and using it to prop up other failing interests.
No, in all of those cases the investors sued because the insurance companies lied about taking people's money and using it to prop up other interests. Insurance companies (and the social security system, too) basic function is to take peoples money and use it to prop up other members who have suffered loss or have qualified for benefits. It is the lying that violates the law, not the redistribution of assets within a closed community (policy holders).


Well-Known Member
It is the lying that violates the law, not the redistribution of assets within a closed community (policy holders).
That is not correct.

According to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) it is against the law to use the trust funds money (social security/medicare) for any other function of the unified budget.


Well-Known Member
That is not correct.

According to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) it is against the law to use the trust funds money (social security/medicare) for any other function of the unified budget.
That is correct. Social Security trust funds are used to purchase government bonds, as is also required in the OBRA.


Well-Known Member
That is correct. Social Security trust funds are used to purchase government bonds, as is also required in the OBRA.
Yes, non marketable bonds. At one point there were no laws restricting government from purchasing marketable bonds with the trust monies. So if that money is going to anything else other than the trust in this day and age it would most certainly be against the law.


Well-Known Member
I am still pulling for Rand Paul, even though he doesn't have a snowballs chance.
I like Rand, but like you said... not a snowball's chance in hell. I like Rubio and Carson, and they're both gaining ground since the debate. I wish Trump would just go away. It's so disgusting to watch him, just like the speech he gave in Des Moine, IO trying to win over evangelical voters. You can't simply wave a Bible in front of the crowd, say "See, I'm on of you", and expect people to believe it. It's time he got put in his place...


Well-Known Member
I'm not for Carson. He said that he would make a law to take away peoples assault rifles like the AR-15 (ArmaLite) who live in large cities. He isn't very pro 2A which is one of my major concerns with any candidate.

I stand with Rand because he is as libertarian as we can get. I would love to see a free market capitalist in office.