iidylii 93 gallon cube


Active Member
yep I gotta go with a mag fox...

heres a link to my incredibly boring and terribly shot video lol...I don't know how ppl are so good at videos or how im so bad at them lol...anyways..you wouldn't believe there are actually 8 fish in there lol of course once the camera comes out everything finds hiding spots or amazingly hard spots to see them in...my mandarin is in that dark corner that I tried zooming in on and my gramma is tucked in the rocks somewhere in the video....sorry Kristin no konch sighting lol



Active Member
thanks forbis

yeah its actually to clean lol need a lot of corals so I can hide some of that white rock lol

heres a vid of your friend I got for you Kristin lol

these guys can actually jump pretty far...ive seen him on top of that dark structure in the middle of my tank and use his feeler tongue thing to launch himself all the way down to the sand bed which is a good 6 inch leap lol



Active Member
Your tank is looking good. Did you add pods to your tank to help with the mandarin? If not, the tisbe pods are a pretty good choice. They run out of food quick especially in newer set ups without a lot of live rock.


Active Member
Your tank is looking good. Did you add pods to your tank to help with the mandarin? If not, the tisbe pods are a pretty good choice. They run out of food quick especially in newer set ups without a lot of live rock.
yes I bought pods many months back and so yes its heavily populated...I have over 200lbs of rock so plenty of living surface for pods and whatnot...and it is a year old so your right it is fairly new but definitely not brand new ;)

What light is that exactly?
its the kessil A150 Kristin...they don't make them anymore but you can still find some deals on ebay every once in a while


Active Member
Well my mandarin started breathing real heavily last night and not moving anywhere for hours at a time...he also has all of his fins sticking up like he is stressed...both other scooters are acting Normal and none of them have had any confrontations at all...my 3 chromis 1 pj card and gramma are normal...all crabs and snails are also doing just fine...I still have pods crawling all over the tank so food source should be good...as of last night I turned my heater down a few degrees as my tank was at about 82...I also turned my return pump up quite a bit to get a lot more water flow and oxygen to the tank...I guess I will see when I get home for lunch from work today what the outcome is...my ammonia and trites are at 0 I'll have to check my trates but they are usually around 20...my salt is 35 ppt and ph is right about 8.2

Coincidentally or not I did just get my glass top back on my tank 24 hours before this started happening...but the fact that the other 7 fish aren't showing any odd signs doesn't make sense unless the Mandy is more sensitive to the whole issue of having your tank covered and getting less oxygen?

Although my sump in the basement is wide open so there's 90 gallons of open water right there so i dont know how that plays into the system as a whole but to me that seems like it would aerate the whole system?
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Well-Known Member
Ha I was driving. Its not good that its not moving. Its the one thing they always do, hunt for food


Active Member
How's he doing? Have you noticed him actually hunting and pecking at the rock recently?

Pods may have went quicker then we thought with 3 pod peckers in the tank that consistently hunt.


Active Member
Well I just was home for a minute...he was in a different spot so he did move...he is still fluttering but I noticed him a couple of times slapping at the sand kind of like a freshwater fish might do if u have them in a live well or cooler if water like a shortage of oxygen...not territorial behavior more like sluggish behavior

I haven't seen him eat since I have noticed this...but...there are definitely still tons of pods cruising around...last night I took a sponge out of my sump and put it inside of the display and there were hundreds or thousands on the sponge kind of hard to count lol

Both scooters are now consuming pellets as well so...


Well-Known Member
Really odd. With your huge sump I wouldn't think oxygen would be an issue nor would you have a shortage of pods. I assume your sump is uncovered. I can't see your temp being an issue either. My tank was at 84 on Monday. Nothing seemed to have any issues and I have a lot more fish and less total water volume. Mandarins seem pretty tough to me, as long as they are getting enough to eat. Sure hope he makes it.


Active Member
Really odd. With your huge sump I wouldn't think oxygen would be an issue nor would you have a shortage of pods. I assume your sump is uncovered. I can't see your temp being an issue either. My tank was at 84 on Monday. Nothing seemed to have any issues and I have a lot more fish and less total water volume. Mandarins seem pretty tough to me, as long as they are getting enough to eat. Sure hope he makes it.
Yeah my sump is uncovered...I actually can't see pods on my live rock in the DT because my rocks are so white that it's impossible...I do see my scooters moving about on the rocks picking at things...but scooters tend to eat other food so u never know if it's pods or other things they are eating...

When I got home a couple hours ago my Mandy is now moving quite a bit more but is still not picking at the rocks...his breathing seems like it's slightly better but still on the heavy side I think...I put another sponge from my sump and a mature rock from the sump in the display just to make sure I have pods in there


Active Member
well just now I caught the mandy and put him down in the fuge I did notice that he is a little skinny so I hope its not to late :(

I really wish I had done this a few days ago when I noticed...I didn't even think of throwing him down in the fuge though...im positive theres pods down in the sump at least so we will see how the next few days go


Active Member
Both scooters are now eating frozen and pellets...I will check on the Mandy in the fuge again when I get home


Active Member
Yeah if this Mandy doesn't work this is my last attempt at this fish for a very long time until I can see hundreds of pods per sq inch lol


Well-Known Member
Alot of the issue is the fact there in such bad shape by the time we get them. Wholesalers have Thousands Of Them Together. Most fish stores only feed the minimum