Recent content by ann83

  1. ann83

    New Seahorse

    I don't know how well B12 will help with frozen training. Might not hurt though. You're probably right, you'll probably have better luck converting to frozen once deworming is over. Get her nice and fat and used to regular feeding, and then don't be afraid to hold back with the live and only...
  2. ann83

    New Seahorse

    Nova, I'm replying to your PM here, partly because I try to stick to the "keep the info on the public forums" philosophy, and also because I wanted to comment on other things as well. Prazi-pro is fine for substitution in the "praziquantel" part of the instructions. They were written with...
  3. ann83

    Ann, Dan, or Tom

    IMO, just keep an eye and only worry if it recurs.
  4. ann83


    Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains Like B-12 liquid you can get for people, same with Beta Glucen, or are these fish supply vitamins? For people. Try to get the ones with the fewest number of extra ingredients possible. I'm pretty sure people tend to use sublingual B12, but I could be...
  5. ann83


    Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains I placed an airstone in the Quick Cure bath as instructed. I will call Beth again tomorrow, but she never mentioned repeating this bath, only to move on to the Furan. Oh, okay, I must have just misunderstood. At any rate, that's better, since I didn't see...
  6. ann83


    It might say four, but it was prescribed by fish food manufacturers, afterall. ;) I try to stick closer to recommendations made by fish disease researchers, and while I'm not going to go dig out my Noga book right now, I'm pretty sure 10 days is in line. Either way, it's what I've been...
  7. ann83


    I remembered something else. Make sure you have heavy aeration in the Quick Cure baths. Formalin displaces dissolved oxygen, and I suspect that many of the medications that are found to be "hard" on seahorses, involve irritating the gills in ways that are problematic to the seahorse's closed...
  8. ann83


    Oh, and I would definitely continue the Furan-2 for a full 10 days, not just 4. Stopping it early could be a problem for a few reasons. One, while the seahorse might appear to have improved, it might just come right back with a vengence when you stop the antibiotic. And two, too short a...
  9. ann83


    I am not trying to be hard on you for following the breeder's advice. To follow the breeder's advice is typically the best course of action. I just felt it important to voice my concerns (and, aparently my ability to "soften" my posts is on the fritz, b/c everything I type lately seems more...
  10. ann83


    Hmmmnn... okay. Did she tell you what she wanted to use the Quick Cure to treat for? Quick Cure is a parasite treatment... Additionally, it is my understanding that seahorses don't have a reputation for tolerating malachite green well, so keep a close eye on her. As for treating the healthy...
  11. ann83


    Yeah, sucks. Seahorses seem to know just the wrong time to get sick. I may have missed it, but did you say whether or not she arrived this way (not hitching, laying on the bottom, etc.) ?
  12. ann83


    Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains I know this is off the subject, but I can never remember. Round belly? Female? Cut in belly? Male? or the other way around?? What a tactful way of calling me on my error ;) I have a bad, bad habit of calling all of my saltwater fish "he", even the ones...
  13. ann83


    Oh, and, I should have said, but keep in touch with Beth, and if she has a different preference on your course of action, she does know these particular horses better than you or I do, so I'd be inclined to follow her advice. If not only because, she'd be the one replacing him if he doesn't...
  14. ann83


    Bummer. I hate to suggest treating with antibiotics so soon, but if he's still like this tomorrow morning, I'd suggest antibiotics and live foods. Like Teresa said, get that temperature down to 68* for him, to help slow any bacterial infection. I would leave him be for the night to see if...
  15. ann83

    Gas Bubbles

    Diamox isn't a magic fix. It only helps alleviate the symptoms. The temperature needs to be turned down, the parameters need to be perfect, changes may need to be made to setup and/or husbandry... so far, you haven't given us any information about your seahorses or your setup. What is the...