Recent content by brandons

  1. brandons

    In a really bad predicament

    My Display is 75gallons and is FOWLR and the QT is only 10 gallons. The tang is rather small (he lives in a standard size coffee mug in the QT). The clownfish is around 2" in length. I think I'm going to take your suggestion of the fresh garlic. My wife and I both love cooking with it and we...
  2. brandons

    In a really bad predicament

    how to get the clown to QT and then treat the both of them. It was recommended to me to do a 6 hour acclimation for the clown to get him to the 1.009. Does that sound right? Also what would I treat them with? I'm going to go buy new food tomorrow and also some garlic additive to hopefully...
  3. brandons

    In a really bad predicament

    I'm about at my wits end. I thought everything was going well (like everyone that has a problem). I have two fish with slightly enlarged stomachs. They look bloated and aren't as active. I was thinking and I remember I left their frozen food out once for a little and it thawed halfway. i...
  4. brandons

    They're everywhere!!!

    mine cost 6.57 a pound. My one rock is ~23lbs and I wasn't going to get it since it was such a large peice, but I'm glad I did. It has like 8 mini feather dusters on it so far. They've been multiplying ever since I got it. One of them is actually red as opposed to the others so I'm not sure...
  5. brandons

    Lets SEA the reefs!

    I have a fish in a cup hehe, j/k that's my QT. Here's my display. Long way to go, but just watching it grow in the past 2.5 months has been an awesome experience. It's finally at the point the coralline is starting grow and I 2 weeks ago I saw a bunch of pods crawling around for the first...
  6. brandons

    A TV Show ob Coral Reefs

    too bad I don't have cable
  7. brandons

    A Possive Thread 4 Everyone

    I set up a QT and lowered the SG to 1.009. To me that was a big deal because I've never done it before and I was afraid I'd screw something up and kill my fish. In the 4 days I've had him, he's been eating really well, the notches in his fins have almost gone away, and his ich is slowly going...
  8. brandons

    Don't go cheap!!!

    don't trust the cheap plastic ones. You can get a fairly accurate reading on a labgrade glass hydrometer that is calibrated. You'll also have to adjust for temperature (as you would on a refractometer that isn't automatic temperature adjusting)
  9. brandons

    Yah I flooded my living room because I rule.

    Originally Posted by wattsupdoc Brandon, Clever, but IMO the holes simpler. I agree, and have less chance of failure probably. I just couldn't do it because I wouldn't be able to spin the little 90* elbow because it wouldn't match up the hole that go drilled in the short peice of PVC that...
  10. brandons

    Hyposalinity Question

    yea, that's probably a good idea. Good I can't afford big fish right now. hahahahaha. Thanks for all the help. I finished that 1 gallon drip and it ended up taking the water from 1.025 to 1.021, which is more reflective of my calculations for 1.5g. I must have messed my math up. I took a...
  11. brandons

    Hyposalinity Question

    the only thing about all this I wish I would have changed is that I would have gotten a bigger QT than a 10gal because I ended up with a Sailfin Tang in there for 3 weeks. Granted he is only 2.5" in length, it bothers me that he's in there.
  12. brandons

    Hyposalinity Question

    I took a gallon out and started putting the DI water in. I'm trying to ease this for him. I put the DI in a container above the fish tank and have it siphoning into the tank. I have a not and have it at a really fast drip so hopefully it'll help him deal with it better. I've had him since...
  13. brandons

    Hyposalinity Question

    thanks, that's the answer I was trying to get all evening. LOL shoulda tried this forum first.
  14. brandons

    Yah I flooded my living room because I rule.

    Here's my solution I used. I had a rigid airtube line and put it up inside the return line and then ziptied it to the outside. It hasn't failed yet and the ziptie and the hoses rigidity keep it from being kicked back out when the surge comes back up from the power going out. It hasn't failed...
  15. brandons

    Hyposalinity Question

    right, i read that and that's why i decided to do it because I have the stuff I need including the buffer. What I was basically trying to do was setup a baseline as to what they mean by "slowly" because it can be interpretated pretty loosely.