I still say that with the really short, almost round inner "fingers" along with the longer ones out near the edge and the fact that is hasnt gotten taller its a ric.
They do shed them. I have some at home I was able to find in the sand when doing water changes. I wouldnt worry about it unless the area looks red or irritated. Sometimes it takes a few weeks to come back, sometimes they have 2 for a while.
I heard there was a piece of legislation in front of the House last month. Hopefully B-HO will have better things to do for a while rather than worry about us!
No, the tank I moved the angel to was a 55 with nothing but the eel in it.
Everything else was in a 180.
The blond naso was the worst offender. Got to the point where I had to get rid of the tang. Im glad you have been having luck with it though.
Even dwarf angels need to be watched over time. My old coral beauty picked my ray. On night in the 55 with the brazillian dragon moray straightened him out. Tangs are a no-no too. Had problems with those too.
YUP!!! They love to make messes with aquarium water dont they? Do yours ever splash you on purpose if you walk by and they're hungry and you dont feed them? Thats another favorite activity.