Recent content by holacanthus

  1. holacanthus

    Pygmy Angel or Flameback?

    DrKegel I was not saying that no angels are reef safe! I was simply stating that no angel dosen't have the ability to start to pick at corals or other inverts even after they have been "model citizens" in reef tanks! I've seen the zooplanctivores, the Genicanthus genus of angels pick at soft...
  2. holacanthus

    Tang Recommendation

    So Dpittman are you saying that yellows and purple don't reach 15in!
  3. holacanthus

    Pygmy Angel or Flameback?

    No Angels are reef safe!
  4. holacanthus

    My List!!!!!!

    Just to clarify something that was osted earlier, more than one centropyge angel can be kept in a tank! It wouldn't be wise to do it in a 55g but it can be done in larger tanks. Right now I have 3 Centropyge angels in 1 180g tank right now! The 3 are a Potters Angel ( Centropyge potteri) a...
  5. holacanthus

    Tang Recommendation

    A black tang would run this guy around $250 and I'm not sure he would want to pay that when he isn't even decided on a tang yet! All of the tangs you guys reccomend get to larege for a 75! Do you realize that yellow, purple, scopas, sailfin, and black tangs all reach dinner plate size! All of...
  6. holacanthus

    False Percula Clown

    TR clowns will adopt anemones just as wild ones will, wild ones seem to be more colorful but TR clowns more ecosystem friendly and eases the need to collect wild clowns from there natural habitat.
  7. holacanthus

    Yello Tang

    Yeah it's just night time coloration, it shold clear up after the lights have been on for a while!
  8. holacanthus

    Moving Purple tang from established tank.

    Yes all new fish should be placed in a Q-tank regardless if the fish seems ok or not!
  9. holacanthus

    Pygmy Angel or Flameback?

    One thing though all angels shoud be added last unless a more aggressive fish is to be added later because a dominant angel, in all genus' except Genicanthus are semi-aggressive to aggressive fish and don't take to new comers very well! The Atlantic Pygmy (Centropyge argi) is rather aggressive...
  10. holacanthus

    Spiny Puffer vs. Sea Anenome

    Maybe or maybe not. You can never really tell! With puffers, even the dwarves, I usually thik that they will nip on sessile invertebrates, but this isn't alway the case! I've had Honeycombs in reefs, and they were model citizens! Just remember fish are individualistic!
  11. holacanthus

    princess parrot fish

    Most parrots starve to death in captive systems. Very few specimens live to maturity in captivity due to stress and lack of nutrition. Sorry to inform you on this but thats just the way it is!
  12. holacanthus


    NO. How would you catch 2 2in fish in a 500g tank with *some* leopards? Coolwater sharks & tropical fish won't wok either! They would do alright in the 100g tang tank provided ou don't have any overly aggressive sohal, clown or orange- shoulder tangs!
  13. holacanthus

    black tang

    They are no different than yellow tangs except of the fact that they're black! No different care requirements, the same in all aspects! All of the ones I've seen/sold are from the Christmas Islands! $450 seems a bit overpriced though, do look at some of the online retailers, I've seen them for...
  14. holacanthus

    Fish hasn't eaten for four weeks

    It hasn't been eating for 4 weeks, but it looks healthy and swims around normal? Sounds like it's finding food somewhere! A whole month without food, and butterflies are somewhat like canaries in a coal mine, I'd say hes eating something. I believe Raccons are nocturnal so try and see if ou see...
  15. holacanthus

    help me with my crab

    He might actually live through the ordeal! I've never heard of a crab eating itself all the way dead, but I have heard of a ew who ate a few limbs! I wish I could tell you whats going with your crab, but I can't give you a exact answer.