Recent content by hypancistrus

  1. hypancistrus

    Upgrading from a 29 gallon to a 55

    That is not so bad tho, considering that most of the external overflow boxes I saw were about $80 or more a piece. Do you know of any good how-to websites for putting together a reef with an internal overflow and sump? I've never done anything this complicated with an aquarium before.
  2. hypancistrus

    Upgrading from a 29 gallon to a 55

    Is it safer to use a pre-drilled as far as potential flooding goes? Any idea how much more a pre-drilled tank would run versus a regular 55?
  3. hypancistrus

    Upgrading from a 29 gallon to a 55

    I currently have a 29 gallon FOWLR with some simple, easy corals-- a hammer, numerous zoanthid species, mushrooms and xenia. I have three fish- a yellow tail blue damsel, a false percula clown and a sixline wrasse. I would like to upgrade this tank to a 55 gallon this spring. I'd like to include...
  4. hypancistrus

    Moving a mini-reef

    It's only two corals so far... the polyps are attached to a rock and we have one frog spawn that is new. Do you think we can move the tank and sand, or will we need to scoop the sand out? It has a lot of life in it....
  5. hypancistrus

    Moving a mini-reef

    We need to move our mini-reef, a 10 gallon tank, from the basement to the first floor. Is there anything specific we need to know to do this? I think we will need to remove all of the rocks... will our corals on the rocks be okay if temporarily exposed to air, i.e. in the time it takes to move...
  6. hypancistrus

    Coral ID?

    Can anyone help us ID this coral? Any specifics on care requirements would be appreciated too!
  7. hypancistrus

    Can I place for sale ads here?

    I am getting out of the marine hobby and have a bunch of nice lights and new skimmer for sale. Is there a forum here to place the ads, or is that not allowed?
  8. hypancistrus

    HR 669: Aquarists Please Take Action

    Here is a rough transcript of the events today. You should notice the number of times they bring up various fish species and inverts that we DO keep in our aquariums. If I am reading this correctly, the proposal according to its subcommittee...
  9. hypancistrus

    Free Liverock in MD

    I am seriously considering breaking down my 50 gallon marine tank due to lack of time and interest at this point. I would really hate to kill all the things on my live rock, though, so I'd like to find someone to take it, free of charge. I have about 20 pounds, near as I can tell. Catch is that...
  10. hypancistrus

    Animal stock for a 50 gallon

    Originally Posted by redsea from what i have heard the tang might be too small for a 50 gallon you could do a percula sixline ( just be aware the sixline might nip at a fishes fins) and the angel i have heard will nip at caertain corals what cardinal fish where you thinking of, they do nice in...
  11. hypancistrus

    Animal stock for a 50 gallon

    These are some of the animals I was thinking of checking out for my 50 gallon reef. I am hopefully going to start the corals first before adding mobile inverts and fish.Clean-up Crew: Currently 12 Astraea sp. snails and 8 blue leg hermits... thinking of adding a few more blue leg hermits and...
  12. hypancistrus

    New 50G Pics

    Originally Posted by sheldon make sure the book case its on can sopport the wieght , might have to change stand looks good so far :) It's the bookcase stand from Big Al's Aquarium Center (google it-- they are online). It's designed to hold an aquarium. Thanks for the comment though.
  13. hypancistrus

    Fan worms?

    Okay, thank you so much. Here's a few pics we took of them.
  14. hypancistrus

    New 50G Pics

    Here's two pics I snapped of my 50 gallon wanna-be-eventually-maybe reef tank. :) It's got about 40 lbs of rock in it at this point-- half is true live rock from the LFS and half is baserock. I am adding more as the finances allow and hope to get up to about 60-70 lbs.
  15. hypancistrus

    Fan worms?

    Do fish eat them?