Recent content by j0hn rambo

  1. j0hn rambo

    Puffer fish not eating *video*

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth No, he probably should have stayed in QT until fully healed. But since he is back in the display see how he does. Soak his food in a selcon or zeocon. Keep the QT conditioned in case he needs to go back. Thanks Beth, I'll keep a close eye on him and begin...
  2. j0hn rambo

    Puffer fish not eating *video*

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth Antibiotics will completely crash your live rock tank. He'll need to go in QT. What size do you have? And is an established QT? To treat with antibiotics, you will need an established QT. When removing the puffer, you will need to keep him in water at all...
  3. j0hn rambo

    Puffer fish not eating *video*

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth John, I did see the video. I can not tell that anything is wrong with him in that video. What happens if you add food to the tank, without trying to hand feed? What about smaller pieces of food? Try using a bird syringe to feed him, with much smaller pieces...
  4. j0hn rambo

    Puffer fish not eating *video*

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth Is his teeth getting too big? Puffers need hard shelled food in order to keep their teeth filed down. A diet of mostly one item is not really the best nutrition. Does he look or act differently? If you dump smaller sized food in the tank, will he not go for...
  5. j0hn rambo

    Puffer fish not eating *video*

    My stars and stripes hasn't ate for nearly two weeks, any suggestions to help him eat would be great. I've had him for nearly six years (he was 5 when I adopted him from my local shop). The puffer was with an emperor angelfish for 3.5 years but I donated the angel to the Newport Aquarium in...
  6. j0hn rambo

    Emperor and Wrasse have HLLE

    Thanks for the input everyone. I'm actually in the process of trying to build an algae scrubber to see if that will help lower the nitrates some. I've actually been thinking about making a larger aquarium as a sump so we will see what happens. I'll let you all know, thanks.
  7. j0hn rambo

    Emperor and Wrasse have HLLE

    I know this thread has been dead but here’s an update, and I need input. I'm taking Beth’s advice and transforming my wet/dry into a refugium. A week ago I added mud, along with live rock (I also placed live rock in the chamber where the bio-balls used to be) and cheato algae. What sponges...
  8. j0hn rambo

    Emperor and Wrasse have HLLE

    Thanks again, But about the zoecon and vita-chem. I've always wondered this. How to apply it? I hear everyone say soak your food in it, by that do you mean put a small amount of water in a cup, with a few drops and let the food sit in it? Or just a few drops directly to the frozen food with no...
  9. j0hn rambo

    Emperor and Wrasse have HLLE

    Thanks for the reply, however it's not lymph. I believe lymph is 3-dimensional, the white areas on the angel aren't sticking out though, but appear to be going slightly inward. Same with the wrasse, the wrasse doesn't have any discoloration around the areas but they are going inward. I picked up...
  10. j0hn rambo

    Emperor and Wrasse have HLLE

    Quick Background. I have a 125 fish only. It's been running since August '06. The only fish I had in it was a stars and stripes puffer (over a foot) until about a year ago when I added a green bird wrasse. Then last April I added an Emperor Angel. When I first got the wrasse I noticed what...
  11. j0hn rambo

    Emperor QT help

    I looked at the faq pictures posted by beth. It looks like brooknella or lymp.. I'm more towards brooknella though...
  12. j0hn rambo

    Emperor QT help

    Quick Background- I put my Emperor I got off this site into QT, he's beginning to change into an adult. He is in a 20 gallon long. In a few days he will have hit the 4 week mark. The first 3 weeks I didn't notice anything on him. 5 days ago I put in Prazi-Pro to eliminate any possible parasites...
  13. j0hn rambo

    Starfish Sick

    I have had a Green Brittle Starfish in my wet/dry filter that sits below my 125 for over two years. Every few days I feed him frozen krill. However lately he has began to shrink in size and his arms are getting shorter. I have tried to hold the krill under him but he doesn't want to eat it. Any...
  14. j0hn rambo

    Emperor Owners Need Advice

    Thanks for all the info everyone and I will be sure to keep you all updated. He arrived today and is doing great, very active so far in QT but seems to enjoy chasing himself in the glass a lot. He is still adjusting, I tried feeding him a small amount of food, he ignored it but I'm not...
  15. j0hn rambo

    Emperor Owners Need Advice

    Thanks a lot, I am very excited to get him. I am going to get that medicine on hand to treat him, should I wait until signs are visible or begin treatment? I never use medicine for ich treatment but im new to flukes but dont want to medicate if I dont have to. Thanks again for the advice, got...