j0hn rambo
Quick Background.
I have a 125 fish only. It's been running since August '06. The only fish I had in it was a stars and stripes puffer (over a foot) until about a year ago when I added a green bird wrasse. Then last April I added an Emperor Angel. When I first got the wrasse I noticed what appeared to be HLLE while he was in QT. I didn't think much of it and hoped it would improve when I moved him to the larger display. However it's slowly gotten worse over the year. The angel was fine through QT and for the first few months, then I began to noticed lighter spots develop around his face and frontal area. I ignored them thinking it was part of his color change.
I'll admit I have been lazy and this is my fault. I usually only do a water change every month. In fact the last one a did was closer to the 2 month mark. I take out around 40 gallons on each water change.
-Heres my readings
I know my Nitrates are horrible. Honestly they always have been high, but it never bothered my Puffer. I'm going to try my best to get them down otherwise I only see this getting worse.
As far as the fish behavior. The puffer has nipped the top back portion of the Angels fin but it's grown almost completely back. The angel doesn't appear to be stressed from the puffer though and usually swims very close to him. I have not seen the puffer bully the angel at all. The puffer nipped his fin during a water change, I think he was just under stress. The angel however chases the wrasse every now and then but the wrasse is to fast. All 3 fish eat great.
Here are my questions.
I read Beths FAQ and saw angels can be sensitive to carbon, I currently have chemi-pure running in my wet/dry. It's getting pretty old.. should I replace it or remove it completely?
For the past year a few times a week I have been putting vita-chem on the frozen food. As well as zoecon which I picked up once this started happening with the wrasse. How exactly should I apply these? At first I would just let the food thaw in water and put a few drops in the water. Lately though I have been letting the frozen food thaw without water for an hour or so and just put 1 or 2 drops on it.
Currently their diet consist of Mussels (the pieces the puffer doesnt get) Shrimp, Angel and Butterfly formula ( under the ingredients it says it contains sponge, but honestly when I see it floating in the tank I mainly see Brine, any other brands that would be better?) I also sometimes get squid and scallops. I just read Beth's post about useing a food processor, I picked one up today and plan on doing that. I just need some more suggestions for the Emperor and the wrasse.
Sorry for the long post. I think I have the majority of it figured out I just need to start taking action but any other advice would be great.

I have a 125 fish only. It's been running since August '06. The only fish I had in it was a stars and stripes puffer (over a foot) until about a year ago when I added a green bird wrasse. Then last April I added an Emperor Angel. When I first got the wrasse I noticed what appeared to be HLLE while he was in QT. I didn't think much of it and hoped it would improve when I moved him to the larger display. However it's slowly gotten worse over the year. The angel was fine through QT and for the first few months, then I began to noticed lighter spots develop around his face and frontal area. I ignored them thinking it was part of his color change.
I'll admit I have been lazy and this is my fault. I usually only do a water change every month. In fact the last one a did was closer to the 2 month mark. I take out around 40 gallons on each water change.
-Heres my readings
I know my Nitrates are horrible. Honestly they always have been high, but it never bothered my Puffer. I'm going to try my best to get them down otherwise I only see this getting worse.
As far as the fish behavior. The puffer has nipped the top back portion of the Angels fin but it's grown almost completely back. The angel doesn't appear to be stressed from the puffer though and usually swims very close to him. I have not seen the puffer bully the angel at all. The puffer nipped his fin during a water change, I think he was just under stress. The angel however chases the wrasse every now and then but the wrasse is to fast. All 3 fish eat great.
Here are my questions.
I read Beths FAQ and saw angels can be sensitive to carbon, I currently have chemi-pure running in my wet/dry. It's getting pretty old.. should I replace it or remove it completely?
For the past year a few times a week I have been putting vita-chem on the frozen food. As well as zoecon which I picked up once this started happening with the wrasse. How exactly should I apply these? At first I would just let the food thaw in water and put a few drops in the water. Lately though I have been letting the frozen food thaw without water for an hour or so and just put 1 or 2 drops on it.
Currently their diet consist of Mussels (the pieces the puffer doesnt get) Shrimp, Angel and Butterfly formula ( under the ingredients it says it contains sponge, but honestly when I see it floating in the tank I mainly see Brine, any other brands that would be better?) I also sometimes get squid and scallops. I just read Beth's post about useing a food processor, I picked one up today and plan on doing that. I just need some more suggestions for the Emperor and the wrasse.
Sorry for the long post. I think I have the majority of it figured out I just need to start taking action but any other advice would be great.