Recent content by veganman

  1. veganman

    Glass Cleaning

    I've been using a Kent Pro-Scraper with a 35" handle and the "acrylic safe" plastic blade. Works great! It even scrapes the coralline algae off.
  2. veganman

    Has anyone ????

    I've read some horrible things about them on reef central.
  3. veganman

    seahorse fry

    Afterthought.... With the brood tank the fry are in, are they able to break the surface of the water and breathe the atmospheric air? I've lost hundreds of fry over the years from the dreaded "air snick". If you look at the recently deceased, and see a noticeable bubble lodged in their...
  4. veganman

    seahorse fry

    Criticism aside, there aren't any easy answers when it comes to seahorses. If they are Reidi/Kuda fry, then pods are a best bet. Reidi are notoriously difficult, but Kuda are challenging in their own right. I feed pods and rotifers to my Reidi fry and the survivors finally outnumber the dead...
  5. veganman

    seahorse fry

    Therese, I don't want to seem harsh, but have you gone to the seahorse sites linked in your previous posts? There's a TON of information on both and . If you had in fact researched on either site, (or researched at all before getting these incredible...
  6. veganman

    The LFS from H-E- double hockey sticks!

    Those pictures are disturbing! There's a LFS nearby me that is just as "nice" ( Think seahorses and triggers in the same tank, with a snowflake eel in a hamster ball. Needless to say the seahorse was eaten, but probably for the best, as it was starved beyond rescue the last day I saw it...
  7. veganman

    tang & anemone?

    I haven't found any reports of YT/anemone clashes on the other boards. I'm sure it could happen! Have you seen this?
  8. veganman

    urchins and anenomes

    Amen Greatfullreefer! Hit the nail on the head!
  9. veganman


    What kind of seahorses? How old are the fry? The best foods accepted can vary by species and age of fry(rotifers, bbs, copepods, etc). Knowing what species will also help with setting up the ideal nursery tank, which can increase your survivability immensely. As a whole, seahorse fry are...
  10. veganman

    help! what is that?

    Looks great Mike!!!!!!!!!! New lights make all the difference, huh?
  11. veganman

    Transporting Fish and Tank

    I've had luck using 5gal food service buckets (with lids) from the local restaurant supply store. I would move the live rock this way, covered with water to minimize die off. I would bag the fish and corals in the largest bags available, line a rubbermaid tub with a blanket for insulation and...
  12. veganman

    Veganman!!!!!Seahorse Question?????

    Congratulations! You have "Seahorse Fever"! LOL!!!!! Wow! That's a lot to answer in 1 post, so I'll make it easy. Head over to . I really enjoy this site because it has both hobbyists and commercial seahorse breeders as members. That combination provides an insight and...
  13. veganman

    Seahorse tank?

    Check out and for specific information on tank set up and recommended plants, corals, etc. Only buy CB. Several online retailers have them from ORA. Most likely your LFS can order them too. Your best chance at success lies in buying CB seahorses.
  14. veganman


    As long as you buy CB, live food is not needed. I have some CB that are eating dry food (pellets) of my own concoction. As long as they are trained to a feeding station, they will eat a lot more than just mysis. CB Seahorses are fast becoming a very easy choice for even beginning hobbyists...
  15. veganman

    Seahorse question,

    I posted an answer in "Fish Discussions", Zyrus. :-)