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  1. xfishf0odx

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    it is possible you just bought a wet/dry sump that has a skimmer built into it.
  2. xfishf0odx

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    wet/dry protein skimmer? what is the name of the manufacturer and do you have a pic of it?
  3. xfishf0odx

    All the same fish...What to get?

    if you are just doing one species in the whole tank, then try sea horses. you could have 4 easy in that tank.
  4. xfishf0odx

    Volitans lion still wont eat

    i heard if you pet them on the back of the head that they will start eating. no maybe you shouldn'd try that. toss some live ghost shrimp in the tank. he should gobble them up quick.
  5. xfishf0odx

    90 gallon setup

    they are pretty peaceful. mine is sweet as could be, he just kills clowns and shrimp. but he gets along just fine with my reef lobster, flame angel, and coral beauty. was gonna pick up a snowflake to give them a new friend soon.
  6. xfishf0odx

    Is this possible??

    test your water levels. lions can get a little funny eating some times if any of your levels are off. i had mine refuse to eat for a few days cuz my ph was a little low.
  7. xfishf0odx

    90 gallon setup

    well in all honesty, the spotted puffer will kill all your shrimp. as for the lobster he will get along with everyone (even the ribbon is all likely hood). ribbon eels are kinda touch and go on keeping them alive. figure about 1 in 3 live. they tend to get really stressed and starve...
  8. xfishf0odx

    Will these fish be ok together?

    yeah with out a doubt the puffer will kill the clown. i speak from experience on that. actually have the puffer in with a coral beauty right now and they get along just fine.
  9. xfishf0odx

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    you are going to remove your regular filter?? it normally helps to have additional filtration besides just a protein skimmer and live rock. like canister filters, wet/dry sumps, or refugiums.
  10. xfishf0odx

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    if you want to get a lion, the poison thing really is no big deal. just remember the simple rule of keep your hand away from the dorsal fins. if you ever get stung it is like a nasty bee sting, but probably won't kill you (just hurt like heck). i have had a volitan lion in one of my tanks for...
  11. xfishf0odx

    Do i still want one?

    Ok, i always thought the Piccaso trigger was really cool looking. I went into my lfs today and they had a 4" one in a 40gl with an 8" queen angel. Out of no where the trigger went after the angel and ate both of its eyes in under 2 minutes. It was happily swimming around and would go back...
  12. xfishf0odx


    can you keep two puffers together (like a porker and a dogface) together without them fighting?
  13. xfishf0odx


    where abouts in Ny are you located