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  1. revfred

    What to put in with my Huma-Huma Trigger

    As usual, more questions from a newbie. I have finally introduced some real fish to my 55g FOWLR. I got a huma-huma trigger and a yellow tang. However, I have been told recently by a lfs that my trigger will be very aggressive toward any new fish that I introduce to the tank. My original...
  2. revfred

    Dwarf Lionfish & Damsels

    I have cycled my tank with raw shrimp as opposed to the damsels. My tank has been finished cycling for about 1 month now. It has been set up for about 2 1/2 months.
  3. revfred

    Dwarf Lionfish & Damsels

    I am a newby with a 55 FOWLR. I introduced my first fish into the tank about 3 weeks ago (4 damsels). My desire is to get a lionfish this weekend. Will the damsels and the Lionfish leave one another alone or should I get rid of the damsels?
  4. revfred

    Am I Ready for Fish?

    I have been cycling my FOWLR for a little over a month now using 2 shrimp to introduce ammonia into my tank. I test about every 3 days. I have seen my ammonia spike and then drop to 0. However, I haven't measured any nitrite or nitrate? There was about 1 1/2 weeks that I hadn't tested...
  5. revfred

    Brown color on Aragonite

    I've been cycling my 55gal FOWLR with 21 lbs of rock and 30 lbs of aragonite for about 2 weeks. I began to register ammonia about 5 days ago. I haven't seen any nitrite yet. This morning, I saw a brown color on my substrate? Is this algae and is it good?
  6. revfred

    Play Sand or Live Sand?

    I want a deep sand bed for my 55 gallon but to get 4 - 6 inches of live sand can get rather expensive. I hear on other threads those who reccomend getting sand from the hardware store. The tank that I'm setting up will be FOWLR and I'm using a Skilter 400. Can I use play sand exclusively or at...
  7. revfred

    1st Setup - Any Advise?

    Ty_05_f, You give me too much credit for knowing what you in the world you are talking about. I am a wannabe techie and have not been educated in Aquarium Acronymology. I figure that FO means Fish Only. However, I can't find that other acronym in my Scrabble dictionary. What is an FOLSDIFJHOKE?
  8. revfred

    1st Setup - Any Advise?

    I intend to go with a fish only tank. I have been discouraged from doing a reef and fish tank since this is my first aquarium. However, I am still open to suggestions.
  9. revfred

    1st Setup - Any Advise?

    I have had a 55 gallon tank for over 2 years now and have yet to set it up. My wife bought it for me as incentive to finish my basement. Now I am ready and have already built the aquarium into the wall. I have taken the advise of some (though I wished that I would have discovered this board...