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  1. marineteen

    How should I take pictures?

    Hi there guys (and gals), how should i take a picture of my tank and fish... should I be using the flash or will that do sumthing like shock my fish??? Plz help! :help: -Drew
  2. marineteen

    what is your stock list

    I have a 33 gal: 2 yellow-tail damsels 3 clarkii's clownfish 2 Firefish P.S. I'm gettin a coral beauty and a lawnmower blennie 2morrow! -Drew
  3. marineteen

    Coral Beauty Angelfish in a reef

    Depends on the fish i've read that you should introduce them with caution. -Drew :happyfish
  4. marineteen

    Little bugs in tank and on rock HELP!!!

    yeah those are good your fish will actually eat them.. so dont worry about under feeding them! -Drew
  5. marineteen

    Male&Female Firegobies

    My lfs gavve me two for in my 33gal, they dont fight, but they do stay near to eachother....i'd say that they're more scared of the other fish, and hide from them, then fighting with eachother. -Drew
  6. marineteen

    fish suggestions?

    i'd keep the snowflake everwhere i've read, says at least 30 gal...get a dwarf angel of something larger any other small fish are gunna get eaten
  7. marineteen

    New Camera..Bored.. 300 Aggressive

    That's freakin awsome...........great all the fish...specially the shark and eel....what type of eel? -Drew
  8. marineteen

    Any wrasse pics?

    'Nice i really like that sea wrasse..never sean one of those thats tight.....more pics people! -Drew
  9. marineteen

    Any wrasse pics?

    Hey, if any of you guys have wrasse pics could you plz show me them i'd like to see them because i'm gunna get a wrasse but i dont know which one to get! plz post any pic reef safe or not reef safe doesn't matter! -Drew
  10. marineteen

    Alge eating fish?

    Thx alot cantbstopped!
  11. marineteen

    Any Dwarf angels Reef Safe>>>???

    Yeah, it really depends on the fish you should introduce them with caution, i wouldn't try them if you have really expensive coral. If you do get one, feed it well, make sure it eats enough so that it will be less inclined to nipp at your corals. -Drew
  12. marineteen

    Clownfish Sick, HELP

    Hey if it's ick i'd get a cleaner shrimp or two just incase it breaks out, cleaner shrimp will actually eat the ick off them when it clean your clown fish. If it's brooklynella........i have no bloody idea what that is! good luck :cheer: Good Luck! :cheer: -Drew
  13. marineteen

    Alge eating fish?

    Hey whats up guys does anyone have any suggestions for me and my alge problems? Any fish or inverts that will eat the alge for me? Any suggestion is a good suggestion, please help! -Drew
  14. marineteen

    Brown alge on my live rock?

    Whats up yall, i've got some brown alge growing all over the top of my live rock. It's a medium shade of brown, and looks hair like. Should i get something to eat it? If so, a lawn mower blennie of a cleaner shrimp....any other suggestions would be very helpful! -Drew
  15. marineteen

    Brown alge on my live rock?

    Hey guys i have brown alge growin on my live rock should i be worried? It's a medium colored brown thats a little hair-like should, i get sumthin to eat it? -Drew
  16. marineteen

    Which Angelfish

    Thx alot u guys i ment that i was gunna get one of the angelfish, a six line wrasse, and then some inverts and corals. -Drew
  17. marineteen

    Which Angelfish

    Hey guys this is my first thread, and i'm hopin it'll work. I've got a 33 gal tank with 18 pounds of live rock with 2 yellowtail damsels, 3 clarkii's clownfish, and two firefish, as u can see i've just started. I'm gunna get a cleaner shrimp, and a six line wrasse then anenomes/corals. But i...
  18. marineteen

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    A wrasse in a 12 gallon Nano......thats kinda pushin it :notsure:
  19. marineteen

    Can I add an additional maroon?

    I wouldn't because i have read that they are aggressive to other clowns... but most fish in the wild live in pairs. It's your choice, it really depends on the specific fish. Is the one you have already aggressive? :thinking: -Drew