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  1. dicemanj

    -=Political Opinions=-

    Daniel - Tony, nice discussion so far, no offence taken here, hope I did not offend anyone. I think everyone is entitled to a little time off work including GW to take a bike ride. Daniel here are my views. pretty simple I think people need to stand up and take care of themselves. Do not...
  2. dicemanj

    nipping on ------ fins

    why is it when I type n i g e r it gets replaced with [hr] . Am I spelling it wrong, like the N word. If that is the case I am extremely sorry.
  3. dicemanj

    nipping on ------ fins

    the dashes are [hr] , I have no idea how that happened *** you had too many g's, I fixed the post. *** Bang
  4. dicemanj

    nipping on ------ fins

    I have a 125 with a 3 inch Porc Puffer, 2 inch spotted puffer, 2 inch Niger, 8 inch SFE. I feed them every other day, 1 piece of Krill, the porc puffer eats all of it right away. and a piece of frozed food, dime sized made of squid, shrimp, octipus, oysters. The other fish eat this right...
  5. dicemanj

    -=Political Opinions=-

    Last I checked I did not know there was a correlation betweem riding a bike, and running a country, but I do find it funny. I am not sayiny that our country is perfect, and there are exceptional cases to where people got "screwed". But most of the examples you just gave could be fixed by the...
  6. dicemanj

    -=Political Opinions=-

    Tony D. Why do you not move out of the country? because you can't get the same paying job, the same job that you have to work 80 hours a week to pay bills? That just doesn't seem right. Yet you are smarter than our President with a degree from Yale, but not smart enough to find a better...
  7. dicemanj

    48" 4x65watt pc for sale

    cre8or23, if I search on ---- for coralife 48 power compact, is this the same light. Seems like the same wattage and they are brand new for about that price? I am interested but it seems like $225 used is a little steap, but you mentioned to look around and see what a great deal this is? Let...
  8. dicemanj

    porky puffer

    Update - He is eating the Krill, usually one big bite, spits it out and then eats it all. It is a battle between him and my Niger to see who can eat first. If the Niger gets it first he takes it and hides in the rocks. Then I give the puffer his own. They both seem to be very happy...
  9. dicemanj

    Nuke em to glass

    If he was already dead, and then they decapitated him, does that realy change anything? Not in my opinion. I do think he was murdered, but there does seem to be something odd about the video.
  10. dicemanj

    Nuke em to glass

    wish you the best of luck on your recovery.
  11. dicemanj

    Nuke em to glass

    nolson - what is the better alternative? I think "you people" are paranode. For as touchy of a subject this is, I think it has been a good debate on this board. No name calling, or people getting upset at other peoples views I think the altimate goal of the govn is to make it a law that you can...
  12. dicemanj

    Nuke em to glass

    bencc, I agree
  13. dicemanj

    Nuke em to glass

    To rid the world of a horrible dictator. Part of the Gulf war resolution was for weapon inspections at any time, why would Sadam not allow this. For this reason alone I think it was justified. Our governement had information about the 9/11 attacks and did not act on them, and now they are...
  14. dicemanj

    Nuke em to glass

    I do agree that the video seems odd, I just don't believe that Bush, or anyone in the US would have anything to do with this.
  15. dicemanj

    Nuke em to glass

    I am in favor of the war and I am a Bush supporter. However I do see where you are coming from with the timing of the Berg situtation. In fact, the same with the capture of Sadam, the support for the war was dropping, so we capture Sadam, and the support goes back up. Wait until about mid...
  16. dicemanj

    Thought you guys would enjoy this picture!

    Birdy, was that one post for each kid. :-)
  17. dicemanj

    poetry contest

    There once was a man from nantucket.......................
  18. dicemanj

    Nuke em to glass

    I am not for sure, but wasn't part of the resolution to the gulf war that Iraq would be open to weapon inspectors? That theory didn't work out so well for him.
  19. dicemanj

    Nuke em to glass

    my .02 First off, Berg was not a prisoner of war, so I think there is a difference. It seems to me that people are more upset over what our soldiers did to prisoners, then what they did to the four americans that were burnt and hung from a bridge. For all the people in Iraq in the streets...
  20. dicemanj

    May 19th

    If this happened and I was the gas station, I would raise my prices the next day, and every day after until people buy gas again. Lets face it, we have to have gas eventually. Not that I am happy about buying gas, but is $2 a gallon that far off from the mid 80s with inflation taken into...