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  1. jmdlax20

    base rock vs. live rock

    If u hav read my other threads u will know that im just starting this reef n i hav very little in sand, live rock, heater, pump...n i just put my live rock in n having it "cure' in the tank i guess n im measuring the PH n salinity n temperture. am i ok or should i be doin or watching...
  2. jmdlax20

    base rock vs. live rock

    also when do you know when you can put the live rock in your u hav to aclamate it or wut????
  3. jmdlax20

    base rock vs. live rock

    yes this does help just trying to attain all the info i can get...thanks
  4. jmdlax20

    base rock vs. live rock

    what is the difference between the you need to hav base rock for the love rock or can u stack live rock on each other...if you need base rock how much does that run for about.?.?.?
  5. jmdlax20

    First time with reef

    IM just starting my first reef tank and im tryin to research as much as possible and i stumbled onto this...i have live sand and a small pump. My salinity right and the temperature at about 77 degrees. i dont have a protein skimmer or the proper light fixture but i do hav a light for a fresh...