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  1. seahorseguy

    Rise in electric Bill

    Has anyone really looked into how much their electric bill has gone up since adding their lights, skimmers, fliters, chillers, heaters, RO converter, powerheads, the list can go on and on. So what is your average increase in your electrically bill. Just interested.....i was surprised to see it...
  2. seahorseguy

    ecology website

    does anyone know a good webiste for a 2nd-6th grade glassroom. any help will be great...i just cant find a simple one for kids to look at for a introduction to ecology.thanks
  3. seahorseguy

    The Sea Apple Debate

    i have known people to have it in their tanks. Some people had good experiences with them and some real bad ones as well. I would like to have one because thwy r so beutiful.....and i have the same concern.......alot of people sat it is fine if you keep it in a non aggressive...
  4. seahorseguy

    i just dont know what lighting i should get....i keep getting different info

    so if i get the haildes lights will it kill my is actualy to much light for the corals..........i was looking at 2 175 haildes for my tank.........thank you
  5. seahorseguy

    i just dont know what lighting i should get....i keep getting different info

    i am so confused about lighting......if i plan on getting mushrroms,bubble corals, leathers,brian mushrooms, polyp, Ricordea, XENIA , and after alot of experience i would like to eventually get clams as well.....what lighting system should i get for a 75 gallon tank.......thanks
  6. seahorseguy

    first pics of new tank

    what filters do you use for that tank
  7. seahorseguy

    my first reef does it sound

    my girlfriend convinced me to to a reef tank and after a long time think i i would like how does this sound.....most are for beginners: Metallic Green Open Brain Red Open Brain GREEN TOADSTOOL LEATHER YELLOW DEVIL'S FINGER LEATHER Green Clove Polyp Orange Ultra Colony DEEP BLUE MUSHROOMS GIANT...
  8. seahorseguy

    What lighting

    ok but is that enough lighting for them and for the tank in general or should i get more lighting
  9. seahorseguy

    What lighting

    well i have my sand and LR in my 75 and its cycling right now. so my question is what lighting should i thinking 2 175 metal hailde light. will that be enough for LR and maybe an anomones. thank you
  10. seahorseguy

    Mantis Shrimp

    what is thier natural predator in sea......
  11. seahorseguy

    Mantis Shrimp

    ok i have been reading alot on them.....what can i do to get rid of them. What fish or invert can i purchase to prey on them.......and really how bad are they for your tank......i have never had one before and im about to set up another tank with LR and i heard that in sneak into your...
  12. seahorseguy

    whats can i add to this

    ok....can someone ive me the details on how to keep an anome.......ive kept them before but never a carpet anome......can someone give me the details how to insure there survival rate. thank you
  13. seahorseguy

    whats can i add to this

    well i have my tank cycling right now........i decided to go with 4 in fiji livesand,25 pds fiji LR,Tonga LR 25, and 25 pds of Lalo LR. As of right now my buddy ogt a green carpet anomes in his hospital tank...he got it for free from a guy who is moving.....he does not wanbt it and is willing...
  14. seahorseguy

    how sand does it take for 4 inch sandbed

    im stocking a 75 gallon tank and i was wondering how many pounds of lsand does it take for thee tank to be filled with 4 inches of sand on my tank........and im also getting worried about the actual weight that is going into my tank....i have 36 pds of lalo LR,36 pds fiji LR and 20 pds of LR and...
  15. seahorseguy

    all the different kind of live rocks

    i just need help to determine which live rock is the best and really what is the difference. which one is the lightest and best for bio filtering. here are some i have seen in LFS and online fiji tonga marshall island deco tonga branches hapai BARRIER REEF NAMOLI alor Kaelini Rock Caribbean...
  16. seahorseguy

    planning a new 75 gallon tank

    it is the remora hang on skimmer
  17. seahorseguy

    planning a new 75 gallon tank

    i acutally thinking about a hang on back skimmer........tell me wahts you guys think of this one
  18. seahorseguy

    planning a new 75 gallon tank

    thanks for the trying to keep the aggrssion down as possible by getting fish that are about the same size and temperment. one question i have is if this will be too much fish. i know most of them can grow up to 2-3 inches. so i think i asm pretty safewith space and temperment. im...