Search results for query: "flame +angel

  1. lmforbis

    Do You Name Your Fish?

    Yes although not very original names Doris the yellow belly hippo tang Big Bird the yellow tang Flash the McKosker wrasse Coral the clown fish Vincent the starry blenny PJ the cardinal fish Iris the orchid dotty back Patty the LeMarks angel Ember the flame angel Scarlet the fire fish Marty the...
  2. A

    Saltwater tips

    i have a 75gallon salt water tank that has been up and running for about 4 months now. I have 2 clowns,1 banghi cardinal , 1 cleaner wrasse, 1 blue hippo, 1 flame angel , 2 skunk cleaner shrimp and 5 snails. Recently I had purchased 1 blonde naso tang, 1 blue throat jaw trigger and 1 powder blue...
  3. iidylii

    fish having fun?

    So this is probably pretty stupid but ive said before my flame angel chases a lot of my fish around just for a second or two and then moves on to the next fish...the fish that are being chased don't seem like they are all that scared they just scurry off and then head on back in a...
  4. 3

    Attack of the never lowering Nitrates and general questions.

    I am in the same boat... well not really. I am starting a 40 gallon tank which eventually will have two false clown fish, a cleaner shrimp and a flame angel if it works out. Also going to be going with hang on back filter. Have gotten some really good info already just looking for more as well...
  5. 3

    New 36 gallon bow front.

    I was thinking about the quiet flow 75 with a power head. If that would not be a good HOB filter could you recommend a good one? The testing kit I was gonna get is the API all in one test kit. Why the aragonite sand over live sand? Cause I am going to be putting a couple of lbs of live rock in...
  6. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Quick update: Everything is running fine. Water parameters are good for PH, nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia. I have read that I need to start testing for calcium and magnesium. Bought a Flame Angel and was given a really beat up yellow tang. My brother in law owns a pet store and this particular...
  7. santamonicahelp

    Starting Over

    Hi Uscmizzy, Welcome to the forum and welcome back to hobby! Nice choice :) Have you started to set it up? Zhenya
  8. uscmizzy

    Starting Over

    I use to have a 36g bowfront saltwater tank but unfortunately had to sell it when I moved. Now that things are settled I have been looking at getting back into the hobby. The tank I'm curious about is the 54g corner tank. Here is what I'm thinking: 54g corner tank and stand 2 powerheads...
  9. iidylii

    help with flame angel

    ok so how long is it before you guys think a fish has been in the tank long enough to where it should be settling in? My flame angel has only been in the tank a month but he still gives a lot of chase to 90% of the fish in the tank...2 days ago I noticed a nice chunk out of his body...actually...
  10. K

    Help with 75 gallon stocking list please

    Hi everyone I am new to the hobby and would greatly appreciate some feedback on my proposed stocking list and order of introductions. Thank you very much in advance! I have a 75 gallon tank with 1 inch LS bed and approx. 70lbs LR. No sump as of yet and not sure if I can add one as the tank isn't...
  11. lmforbis

    Multiple fire fish

    She's a bit of a loner. Almost the biggest fish I have now. Only my Yellow tang is bigger. She passed my flame angel in size a couple months ago. Considering she was about half an inch a year ago she's doing well. I havent added any fish since April so who knows what would happen if I added...
  12. iidylii

    updated tank video

    hey guys...I finally put my 3 new fish into the DT...the clowns blemish on his side has completely healed and seems that it was not anything more then aggression here is the updated list: pj cardinal bangaii cardinal 3 lyretail anthias mccoskers flasher wrasse exquisite firefish royal gramma...
  13. Z

    36 Gallon Saltwater Bowfront Stock options

    How does this sound? 1 Flame Angel 1 Flame Hawkfish 2 Clownfish 2 Royal Gramma Basslet 2 Blue Reef Chromis
  14. Z

    36 Gallon Saltwater Bowfront Stock options

    Okay, got it. NO GO on the Mandarin and Damsels Current stock would be: 1 Flame Angel 1 Flame Hawkfish 2 Clownfish I would like a few more fish, can you suggest some that would be compatible? preferably some pairs or schools?
  15. Z

    36 Gallon Saltwater Bowfront Stock options

    Hi, I am a beginner, and will be starting a saltwater tank next week and want to get working on a stock list for when my tank is cycled. I will be starting with just fish but would like to add coral down the road. I will be using a 36 gallon bowfront with a HW303b canister filter, a Fluval Sea...
  16. I

    Weird Reef System Crash...Just fish?

    Hi everyone. It's a sad day for me. I have had a 120 gallon reef tank well established and successful for over 15 years. The parameters have been stable for years, with Nitrates a little on the high side, around 150. All others are fine, pH 8.2, salinity 1.025-26, Nitrites 0, etc. I noticed...
  17. TammieH

    If you could build your dream tank ....

    I'm getting lucky. My plumbers and electrician are putting in plumbing so I can flip a switch and get fresh or salt water to my sump! Here's a look at my wishlist for fish... Porcupine puffer Queen (regal or blue girdled or emperor?) angel Blue tang Midas blenny Flame hawkfish...
  18. TammieH

    Planning stage for 8' long tank - stocklist

    I'm building a new house (actually a major remodel but we're down to the studs) and I'm getting an 8' long 24" wide and 30-36" deep tank!!! (336 gallon + sump volume) It'll be peninsula styled. I'm getting a plumbed system to get water from the ro/di freshwater and mixing station to my tank's...
  19. iidylii

    new fish on the way

    im going to be using 2, 5 gallon tanks for QT...I Would like to put the maroon clown and the flame angel in one together since the two of them are coming from tanks that were already under QT...the maroon should be about an 1 1/2" at the most and the flame angel will be about 2 1/2"...I hope the...
  20. lmforbis

    new fish on the way

    Nice. I love my flame angel. Probably one of the fish I've had the longest.