And no need for live sand regular argonite sand is fine. I agree with Jay that a hang on the back filter would be a better choice. Canisters work if you clean them weekly but that is a lot of work with a canister when a hang on the back works just as well and the maintenance is easier = more likely to be done.
A couple other things you will need:
A good book on salt water aquariums. Salt water for dummies is supposed to be good.
A source of RODI (reverse osmosis deionized water) for making salt water and topping off evaporated water.
A couple five gallon buckets for mixing water- to designated saltwater only.
Test kits for ammonia, nitrite, and ammonia.
Two power heads for circulation.
Another thing I see as very important is a small (5 or 10 gallon) aquarium, small heater and another hob filter or an air stone and air pump to us as a quarantine tank. The quickest way to get disillusioned with salt water is to get a disease in the tank. Diseases run rampant in the wholesalers tanks. Thirty days for all fish in a quarantine for observation. If a disease pops up most need 30 days of treatment. Some choose to treat Immediately to play it safe. Never buy fish at ***** as a beginner. They will most likely have multiple diseases.
Once you have done some research and have the tank set up it is time to think about stocking. it is a good idea to come up with a wish list and run it past the forums for input on compatibility, etc.