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  1. whatsmells

    Big No No!!!!!!!!(help Bang)

    Can't we all just go to over to Bang Guy's house and harvest from his top notch tank???? :D
  2. whatsmells

    Big No No!!!!!!!!(help Bang)

    I think you are all making good points, my question is that dr reef keeps pushing us all towards our lfs for product instead of the ocean. but how do you really know that your lfs is as honest as the next. you could easily be supporting a business who harvests from the ocean and could also be...
  3. whatsmells

    I Forumla needed PLEASE!!

    does 20 turns per hour seem about right for a reef
  4. whatsmells

    Barred spinefoot?

    What are the best type of golves to wear when working in a tank that contains anomenes and these types of fish?
  5. whatsmells

    I Forumla needed PLEASE!!

    Im retarted, can someone give me the water turnover formula again. I thought it was you gallons multiplied by 20% turnover and you would get the number of gallons you need turned over per hour for example 150gallon tank x's 20% = 3000 gph is this correct?:thinking:
  6. whatsmells

    Mandarin Dragonet

    i myself have used the dump methond and then waiting approx 2 months and now have a colony of pods to support almost anything i put into my 150gal. so i speak only from sucess. it is not a very expensive trial and the worst that can happen is that your fish get a tasty nutricious treat.
  7. whatsmells

    Barred spinefoot?

    What are the effects of thier posion on humans? serious or just a irratent to the skin?
  8. whatsmells

    Gold Stripe vs. Plate Coral?? Friend or Foe

    Do the Gold Stripe clown fish and the long tent plate coral have a symbiotic relationship, or will my clown pick on him??:thinking: :help: :thinking:
  9. whatsmells

    Mandarin Dragonet

    you can go online and purchase amphipods by the thousands and then dump them into your tank, they will head for the rocks and as long as thier are not lots of predators they will breed, your mandirn can then feed on them as well. :D
  10. whatsmells

    Smartest fish?

    can you or somebody post a pic of an elephant ear?