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  1. huma huma6

    SFE or lionfish or what.

    I have a 30 gallon that I want to keep as a one fish only setup. I was thinking of a SFE. If this is not ok, is there any eels that are ok in 30 gallon that not over 60 bucks. OR I could get a antenata or a zebra lionfish. If these are nor ok what could I put in it (aggresive wise)
  2. huma huma6

    Fish Compatibility

    Do Not Put Triggerfish In With A Lion. Most Likely The Lion Will Get Killed.
  3. huma huma6

    Fish Compatibility

    Just to let you know anything that the lionfish can fit in his mouth, he will eat.
  4. huma huma6

    Fish Compatibility

    Antenata would be the better choice, there cheaper and usually execpt nonliving food.
  5. huma huma6

    Fish Compatibility

    Well with the copperband in there your choice are going to be limited to few.
  6. huma huma6

    Fish Compatibility

    Actually your angel will be fine in that tank. I was thinking of a diff. one
  7. huma huma6

    Fish Compatibility

    Heres what I would do, I would move the blue hippo and the copperband to your 210. If you want, get the sleeper goby for your 210 also. Keep the eel in your 90 and a volitan, in my oponion get way to large even for a 90 gallon. You could get a antenata(grows to a small volitan) and in the...
  8. huma huma6

    Stock Up My 75

    Im not saying this is right but according to Marine Fishes by Scott Michaels a harquin tusk can be kept in a 55 gallon so I think you would be ok. I've also heard that they Can Be Very Agressive.
  9. huma huma6


    Tek Light T5 Aquarium Lighting 4ft 6 bulb 324W: what corals and what kinds of clams could I keep with this lighting?
  10. huma huma6

    T5 or PC

    From where I've looked t5 are more expensive than power compact.
  11. huma huma6


    would a t5 Nova Extreme work-216 watt be better?
  12. huma huma6


    48'' Power Compact Hood LIGHT AQUARIUM lunar 4 65 hood. It has 4-65 watt lights and a Lunar Strip 6 LED lights. Will this work?
  13. huma huma6


    I know I want to keep zoos and some of the corals that fall in the easy category like candy cane.
  14. huma huma6


    What is the cheapest lighting you can buy to keep corals?
  15. huma huma6

    Extra 30 gallon

    I have a extra 30 gallon with a skilter and a heater on it. If I buy some sand and I would have around 10-20 lbs of live rock in there. Is it possible to keep a antenata lion in it and if possible maybe a maroon clown? I know all the fish sites say this is ok.
  16. huma huma6

    Urchin kills Clownfish

    Tank is 8 months old. No there no mantis shrimp unless it came out of sand. I got live rock for free from ex-reefer and they had it for around 5 years
  17. huma huma6

    Urchin kills Clownfish

    Well it did have a wound. Everything else in the tank looks fine. I have a BTA, this urchin and a pincusion, a brittle star, snails, 1 cowrie, a yellow-blue damsel and a coral beuty angel.
  18. huma huma6

    Urchin kills Clownfish

    I have a spiny urchin or a pencil urchin(Brown and Long Spines). Well today I found my clownfish dead right by it and it look like it got spiked. The urchin wasn't eating it though. Could the urchin have killed it?
  19. huma huma6

    looking for a aquarium(125-150) complete reef set-up

    Im looking for a 125-150 gallon complete reef set-up that is for sale sometime in July. It has to be within 2hrs and 30 mins from saranac lake,Ny 12983. Will pay resonable price.
  20. huma huma6

    55 gallon stocklist so far

    I might want a couple easy corals later on.