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  1. princesslily234

    OT- Happy B-Day to my fellow Tauruses

    Happy Birthday!!! How old are they?LOL:)
  2. princesslily234

    Fish Books

    Does anybody know any good fish books? I want books that can help me decide which type of fish I should put in a 10-gallon tank together :confused:
  3. princesslily234

    Goodbye Big Mac

    I'm sorry about Big Mac. Some advice: check if you did something wrong and make sure all your other fish don't have that problem :(
  4. princesslily234

    Take a look at this beast

    I agree. I sure hope that fish was put back, because that is a very rare fish that I've seen. Also, I wanted to know, how did he reel him out? Did he use a telephone pole or something? Cuz that is one big fish!
  5. princesslily234

    Kirby died today

    I'm going to get a 10-gallon tank this summer and I've already bought some books on clownfish and other species. I will also research some on species
  6. princesslily234

    School's Almost Out!!!!!

    I have been reading everybody's replies about me being a "troll". Folks, I'm not a troll. For your info. I'm getting a bigger tank (a 10-gallon) and I just bought some books about fish. So, please stop calling me a trolll!!
  7. princesslily234

    Kirby died today

    Everybody who says I am a troll is wrong. Ok, so my tank was all wrong. but that doesn't mean I know nothing about fish. Please be quiet about me. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all
  8. princesslily234

    Kirby died today

    The water was neutral for ph, there wasn't much salinity in the tap water, and the water temp. was room temp., 65 degrees
  9. princesslily234

    Kirby died today

    It was a 1-gallon tank. It had been up and running since February 26th, 2003. I fed him the assigned food and I cleaned his water every week
  10. princesslily234

    School's Almost Out!!!!!

    I have a 1-tank. So I've made my decision, I'm gonna get 2 clownfish and a mandarin
  11. princesslily234

    little white things

    I think what you have are pods, but are they moving around? If they are, they are not pods, but are they spiral-shaped?
  12. princesslily234

    Take a look at this beast

    HOLY MOLY!!!!! How did he catch that fish??!!?? My dad's a fisher, so he wants to know
  13. princesslily234

    School's Almost Out!!!!!

    School's almost out!!! Only 6 more days!! If I get all A's on my report card, I get 3 new clownfish. But, i don't think I want clownfish, I want something else. What do u think I should get?? :)
  14. princesslily234

    Kirby died today

    I can't believed he died!! My clownfish, Kirby died today. While I was cleaning his water, I found him there dead. He was the only one in his tank, I fed him everything I was supposed to, and I cleaned his water every week! What happened??!!?? :confused: