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  1. homerfish

    Moorish Idol

    I tend to agree with SteveBK on the moorish idol issue. Trisha, is your moorish idol still alive?
  2. homerfish

    Can 2 chocolate chip stars live in the same tank?

    At one of my LFS's they keep several choclate stars in the same tank. Probably as long as they have enough food.
  3. homerfish

    Live Rock Stowaway

    Live Rock Stowaway I recently bought a peice of live rock from my LFS. Located on the rock in various areas are these tube-like white things. They are about a quarter inch tall and are white and cylindrical. Kind of like a closed up zooanthid but a lot thinner in circumferance. The tip of one...
  4. homerfish

    Baby astrea snails

    Hi, Baby astrea snails are cute aren't they? I don't think too much is known about astrea snail reproduction but here is what I did find out. Astrea snails will spawn by spewing forth a white cloud into the tank which releases a stream of eggs. Based on this fact the survival rate is probably...
  5. homerfish

    Saltwater Starter

    Another note with the heater - I also read someone putting the heater inside the back portion of the NanoCube... where the filtration system is. Anyone elaborate on that? Have done so themselves? I put a heater on the backside of my NanoCube fairly easliy. I first purchased a heater guard so it...
  6. homerfish

    nano tanks everyone share pics.

    What is wrong with a baby blue tang in a nano reef tank?
  7. homerfish

    Explain where your user name originated

    My favorite fish is my clownfish who I named "Homer" from the Iliad and the odyssey.
  8. homerfish

    starting a nano cube

    Nudibranch, Out of curiosity, what did you have in your 5g tank? $500 sounds like a lot to spend on a 5gal. Heidi
  9. homerfish

    Tank vs. Peppermint Shrimp

    Stress? Maybe the stress of a missing leg was too much. I never thought about acclimation. I feel that I acclimated him correctly. No more peppermints for me. I bought it from a pet store so maybe I have learned my lesson...although I got my beloved clowfish from the same store and he is...
  10. homerfish

    another tang poll lol

    Achilles Tang!
  11. homerfish


    I have a clownfish and a hammer coral. I have seen a lot of clowns "snuggleing" up to them but my clown stays far away from it. I think he is tank raised. In fact my clown stays away from all of the corals in the tank...he seems to be a bit anti-social.
  12. homerfish

    found a small hippo? can i get it???

    How little? and Where did you find it?
  13. homerfish

    yellow tang

    I would think you could put a yellow tang in a 29 gal if it was a small one. If it grew too big you could sell it or get a bigger tank. There are a lot of LFS that will take trade ins if it got too out of hand.
  14. homerfish

    Tank vs. Peppermint Shrimp

    Sure, I'll hitch a ride. I'll even chip in for gas and buy lunch. Why would hermit crabs eat something that is alive? Don't they wait until an animal is dead to feast on it? R.I.P Peppermint Shrimp
  15. homerfish

    Smoking Mushroom

    I had a mushroom that produced 2 baby mushrooms. It did this by twisting at the base then leaving a little tiny mushroom. I never saw it "smoking."
  16. homerfish

    Tank vs. Peppermint Shrimp

    Hi, I am new to this message board and this is my first post so here goes! I have a 12 gallon nano cube tank with a 6-line wrasse, a clowfish, and a yellow gobi. I recently bought a peppermint shrimp which had a leg missing (I don't know if that would contribute to his survival rate or not)...