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  1. jj_harrison

    Drilling My Tank

    I got mine from hong kong also very fast. just go slow make sure your level and spray water constantly on the whole. put some tape on the back of the whole to help with surface tension. when i broke my 55 it was cause i wasn't level and when it went threw the back it grabbed and shattered...
  2. jj_harrison

    Auto Top Off expertise

    You can add the water to any where in the system you want here is what I have. It’s a light switch incased in the blue boxes with a cover. Then I screwed it to the side of my sump and drilled a hole in the end of the switch and attached an eye loop screw in the end of the switch. Then I use...
  3. jj_harrison

    U/V sterilizer's

    I bought a 32w UV and the plug that runs the bulb went out can i use something else to run the bulb or do i have to get a new one. The plug is where the balest or the starter that runs the bulb is.
  4. jj_harrison

    DIY Stand Question

    I built a stand for my standard 55 out of 1.5x1.5 legs on each corner and 1x4's laying flat around the top and a band of 1x4's around the bottom and a shelf with a 1x12 and that’s it its very minimal but its been up for a while and it hasn’t crashed.
  5. jj_harrison

    Up Grading

    Here is what I was thinking... I would like to do some pillar rocks and some flat rocks on top of those then stack all the rest on top. I would like to make it so he could swim under the rocks easily. And the tank will be 1 foot wider than the viewing window on each side so I hope it will give...
  6. jj_harrison

    Up Grading

    I like the idea of epoxing the rocks together but would you let all your live rock die to do this? or is there some glue you can use underwater?
  7. jj_harrison

    Up Grading

    Ok I am going for the 1000+ gallon tank! I think 5’x9’x3’ with a 3/4" but most likely 1" thick sheet of Acrylic built into a wall. 5*9*3*7.47=1008 (is that right) I still kind of want to do the rock structure in the middle or is that a bad idea? I have 250 lbs of live rock now I will just use...
  8. jj_harrison

    Up Grading

    Thanks for the help. Have any of you kept them in a tank and not went with a pond? I see that the pond is probably easier but I would like to still be able to see the shark. After reading a bit more I’m looking at building a tank like AC's but with fiberglass and an acrylic front. I would...
  9. jj_harrison

    Up Grading

    oh yea I wanted some cliforna blue dot rays.... so was the snow flake a go or no go? and I know im not getting a trigger there tooo crazy!
  10. jj_harrison

    Up Grading

    ok this is what i wanted. so what should I build? and money is an object I wanted to get this built now. but If i have to build a diffrent tank than thats cool he will have to live in the 125 for a while longer. so should i build a 8' 180? I dont know thats why i was asking i just thought...
  11. jj_harrison

    125 Tacoma, WA

  12. jj_harrison

    Up Grading

    I am going to build a new tank when i get home. I would like an acrylic 4'x4'x2' tank with a center overflow. Fish... I have a bamboo Cat yellow tail damsels and a Velvet Damsel (thinking of getting rid of him, he is HUGE) I want a Volitain, Snow Flake, and maybe some yellow tangs for...
  13. jj_harrison

    Chain CatShark

    do you have a msn eamal?
  14. jj_harrison

    Chain CatShark

    ok.... Im there!
  15. jj_harrison

    Chain CatShark

    I cant add you I have to use MSN but i have some friends that have yahoo and there on mine so add me to yours.
  16. jj_harrison

    Chain CatShark

    One web site that said they had them in a tank at 70 deg. they said the hardest part about keeping them is getting a healthy species. I dont know but some one smarter than me could probably tell us if they could be aclamated to 79 deg and shallow depths. or could my Banded be adjusted to 75 to...
  17. jj_harrison

    Chain CatShark

    If it prefers those depths could it be acclimated to home aquarium? Who lives near Chesapeake Bay and can get some eggs? “Conservation The chain dogfish is not listed as endangered or vulnerable with the World Conservation Union (IUCN). The IUCN is a global union of states, governmental...
  18. jj_harrison

    Chain CatShark

    so who wants to take a scuba trip to Mexico....? I do!
  19. jj_harrison

    Chain CatShark

    "Maximum size: 48 cm (male); 47 cm (female)." From every think i was reading there smaller than Banded Cats.... let me know if you found some thing diffrent. Cause you know if I read it on one web page it has to be true! j/k LOL
  20. jj_harrison

    Chain CatShark

    How cool are these sharks! I thought that they were awsome just there coloring and patterns. Then I found out that they glow in the dark too! soo cool check it out and tell me where i can get one! j/k