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  1. cosmosbasement

    What should i use?

    LionGirl-As stated, use some carbon for a couple of weeks. That should take care of the copper. I would take that substrate out. Go get some more LS. Just in case the copper was obsorbed by the substrate. You should be okay, but if it makes you feel more comfy, and money is not a problem do...
  2. cosmosbasement


    Paul-A ten gallon will work. I have a ten gallon mini with 15 lbs live rock and 20 lbs of live sand. The only thing I have workin' on it is a protein skimmer I modified for it. All is well. As for the symptoms of your fish, sounds kinda like they are stressin'. The color changes in damsels...
  3. cosmosbasement

    Is this a stupid question?

    LionGirl-I use and have been for a while is the Red Sea test kit. I guy the big one. It's got tests for Amonnia, Nitrites and trates, Ph and Alk. Always works for me. and if you're not sure of your own, a good lfs will always help you out and test your water too. It's best to take your own...
  4. cosmosbasement

    Sump design

    Hey friends-Here's a questin for the sump users. I have been doing my read up on sumps and how to. Can anyone tell me about their sump and what equipment is used? I want to build one for my 55 FOWLR and maybe some corals in the future. I am planning on running my skimmer and my heater in...
  5. cosmosbasement

    (Prizm users)Prizm bubbles?

    Thanks gang-question in ref. to putting a spoge or something in there-Wouldn't that clog up the water from the return and overflo out the sides? I'd love to put it in a sump but I'm still trying to get my specs right before I go that route. If anyone has some good plans in building one, let me...
  6. cosmosbasement

    (Prizm users)Prizm bubbles?

    Hey gang-This is a question for the Prizm users. I put my Prizm on a couple days ago and I am getting little micro-bubbes returning to my tank. Anybody else have this problem? I have the valve just about closed and it's still happening. Anyone? Can I put a sponge or something in the return...
  7. cosmosbasement

    10 Gal. Mini

    bNs-The tank itself-with media, water and some substrat plus rocks came from my established 120gal that has been going for about 2 years now. Added that stuff and then went to the LFS and grabbed about 8 lbs of live rock and another 20 lbs of live sand. Their live sand is fantastic, straight...
  8. cosmosbasement

    10 Gal. Mini

    Hey gang-Thanks to you guys my 10 gallon mini is flourishing. To say the least I there is 30 watts goin' to my 10. Actinic and daylights. I won't get into the lighting thing, that was just discussed in it's entirety. I think we can write a book with all that info!!! Anyway, I have 6...